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My balls hurt when i smoke!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by sb2129, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. I'm an 18 year old male 170 pounds I went to the doctor a few months ago and they told me I had epidimitis and put me on an antibiotic for 2 weeks. The dull dragging pain in my testicles didn't go away so I went back and they told Me I had prostatitis and put me on a different antibiotic. Its starting to go away now with this antibiotic but when I smoke the pain is almost unbearable. I can feel it in my balls ny prostate and up into my kidneys. Only after I smoke tho. I of all people know that there is nothing in marijuana that should, could, or would cause this. I told my doctor and she blew it off like it was nothing and said the weed should help with the paid not intensify it. Which obviously isnt the case. Has anyone experienced something similar to this or have any ideas what could be causing this?
  2. Are you sitting or standing in the same position everytime your smoking?
    Also do you get any pain or ache in your buttocks or hips?
  3. masturbate..

    the pain will go away..
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Smoke more it won't hurt.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Well I usually just sit on my bed when I smoke and then get up and go get food or go downstairs. And yes it hurts in my pelvis and lower back when sitting for longer periods of time. Taking a warn bath also seems to relieve some of the pain
  6. And jerkin it doesn't help or make it worse.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. sounds to me like you have a case of Blue Balls...
  8. Not even. Blue balls don't last for months. And trust me. I've spanked it plenty over this time period.
  9. I've got varicose veins in my right bollock. Dull pain comes around a couple of times a year (used to be more) for about a week. Nothing can be done about it, but it's nothing that really matters anyway.
    Doesn't start up from smoking with me, just thought it could still be in the same ballpark.:smoke:
  10. Most of the times that I smoke while I am in some sort of pain (such as headache, cramps, etc), the weed helps to ease the pain. However other times, it makes it worse. It used to happen to me more when I first started smoking, but sometimes I focus on the pain so much that it greatly intensifies, and it almost feels as if it spreads. I'm not sure if that's what you're feeling, but it sucks. Maybe it's the strain that gives you a high where your senses are heightened, but in a negative way since you're already having issues. :(
  11. sounds like a case of blue balls

    do as aw suggested

    or have sex or something
  12. See that's what I thought, I figured it might all be in my head but its there no matter when I smoke or what strain I smoke it will just pop up and bother me.
  13. all this talk of balls hurting is well....kind of making my balls hurt..(kind of, not like OP's balls though) :rolleyes:
  14. [quote name='"sb2129"']Well I usually just sit on my bed when I smoke and then get up and go get food or go downstairs. And yes it hurts in my pelvis and lower back when sitting for longer periods of time. Taking a warn bath also seems to relieve some of the pain[/quote]

    If you take any advice off a forum please make it this.
    Go to your doc and tell them whatever you have to to get a referal for a lumbar ct scan.
    The feelings you describe can all be radiated from pressure on your spinal cord and or the nerve bundles exiting at L4L5/L5S1 levels.
    I know them all well. I'm 29 years old and I'm now an incomplete paraplegic.
  15. [quote name='"Psilocin420LSD"']I've got varicose veins in my right bollock. Dull pain comes around a couple of times a year (used to be more) for about a week. Nothing can be done about it, but it's nothing that really matters anyway.
    Doesn't start up from smoking with me, just thought it could still be in the same ballpark.:smoke:[/quote]

    Holy shit man how does that look ? Compared to like the ones u get on ur leg
  16. Ok well why would smoking cause my spine a nerves to hurt more? And what to those have to do with my balls?
  17. Just an average ball bag I guess. Probably looks a bit fucked up inside, but then I imagine it would anyway. lol
  18. [quote name='"Psilocin420LSD"']
    Just an average ball bag I guess. Probably looks a bit fucked up inside, but then I imagine it would anyway. lol[/quote]

    Lol good thing it does cause my moms got that shit on her leg and her vains are all huge and wierd lookin
  19. [quote name='"sb2129"']Ok well why would smoking cause my spine a nerves to hurt more? And what to those have to do with my balls?[/quote]

    Well about 6 months before I saw my first doctor 3 1/2 years ago, I started to get a dull ache in my right ball and what felt like straight up between my balls and ass, thought nothing of it, Gradually it spread around my hips and into my lower back. The day I went to the doc I was driving and for no apparent reason my feet feel like they're on fire and I can't move either of them.

    I'm not sure why smoking would aggravate it but it took me a major operation followed by a year of physio to learn to walk enough to get around the house.
    The number of times I thought about how different my life would be if I had caught it earlier.

    Hope it's nothing big for you though bro.

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