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My babies are in need!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by PonMonTheGrower, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. #1 PonMonTheGrower, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2009
    * Hydro or Soil Hydro, Your basic DWC unit, 18 gallon storage bin, two 12" air stones, a fan for circulation.
    * Type of light? To be honest, I got it at Home Depot and its a large bulb which is blue, so i assumed it was the "blue" spectrum needed for vegitation. Its about 14" away from my plants or more, due to high amount of heat.
    * "Atmosphere" Conditions Currently i'm set up in the attic, and with the fan I imagine it is about 80 degrees around the plants. Its your basic house fan.
    * PH Range Generally my PH has been 6.5 - 7.5 unfortunately, as of now my plants are in regular water that i have left out for 24 hours, because i'm afraid i have nutrient burn.
    * Nutrients/Supplements Some Peter's fertilizer which is cheap and easy to get, i just ordered the GH Flora set, except if my plants are going to just die i dont want to waste it.
    * Design and Dates I'd say my plants are about a month old, to be honest I dont think they are healthy plants to begin with. I actually didnt personally germinate these, the seedlings were given to me by a friend

    My plants were doing extremely well for the first few days, but i ran into some problems with the attic getting to hot until i made a hole in my "light catcher" for my fan to blow through. Now i've noticed my plants at the tips are turning brown and starting to whither, or so it seems. I made the mistake of spraying with that same peter's fertilizer while the light was on, I'm not sure if its because of that. Also, one of my others got ripped in half by a cricket last night( man i was pissed) the roots are still in the water, will it regrow? HELP please!!!!!





  2. Anyone have any information?
  3. I'm curious about your "blue" light. It sounds like maybe it is a flood type lamp, which are typically halogen and get very hot. This could account for the browning leaf tips and overall high temps. I wouldn't foliar feed anything on the leaves unless its when the lights are off. Check out your light, and see what it is. If it is a flood light, go down the aisle and get a few 100w CFLs. For vegging, you want bulbs that are in the 5500-6500K spectrum, which are sold as bright white or daylight bulbs. For flower, go with 2700-3000K lights, sold as soft white or cool white. This little light thing may solve a lot of your problems.....
  4. well i asked my step dad what light it was, all the information he could give to me was a "plant" light. The bulb itself is a large ball which has a blue tint all round it. I changed out the plants fert water to just regular water hoping that will help, and recently here in texas we've been getting some rain so its kind of cooler. But the plant is still just dieing. And i have no idea why because of my three it was the only one doing that, and of the two that were actually doing well it WAS doing the best.
  5. [​IMG]





    idk if this will work for the pictures but its worth a try.
  6. The bulb looks like one of the "grow bulbs" to me too. Unfortunately, they aren't worth a shit. Get a couple of daylight CFLs and drop them down over that plant. Your bulb is way too far away from the plant to do it any good. You can put CFLs within 3-4" of the plant without any harm. The plant doesn't look too good right now, its probably a combo of poor light and too many nutes. You are doing the right thing by flushing, let it go for a week or so with just plain water. When you add nutes back, do so at 1/4 or 1/3 strength. You should start seeing some new growth within a couple of weeks.
  7. #7 PonMonTheGrower, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    Thank you!!! How much are these CFLs? And will I have to upgrade to some Metal Halides when the plants get larger?
  8. #8 TexarkanaTim, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2009
    No, you can do the entire grow with CFLs. For veg (now), you want to use the daylight bulbs (6500k). When the time comes to start flowering, switch to soft white bulbs, (2700k). With CFLs, the more the merrier. If you can get 6-8 bulbs (or more) over the plants, so much the better. The CFLs usually run about $3-5 a piece, depending where you buy them.
  9. Excellent! I'll have to pick up another thing for the lights! I have moved everything to the bathroom so no more worries about hot temp!! And its been about four days, and my GH pack hasnt come yet so im going to add just alittle of that fert i had before just to atleast give them some nutrition.

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