My art (will add more post)

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by 605skunk, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. THC by ~Tang526 on deviantART
    sup i decided to show the city some of my art

    firsts ones a stencil of THC which i let someone borrow (because he was a respected artist, but he ended up stealing my stencil):mad:

    anyways i guess i just have to make a new one but i'll post some more stuff later.. its fuckin 5:16 in the morning and i'm coming done from 2C-B

    so i'm out for tonight!

    heres anohter pic tho haha

  2. nice choice on the color mix
  3. thanks man! :wave:

    Posted a lot more pics.. tell me what ya think!!!!











  4. You're really talented man!
  5. very cool man. that last one mad me lol.:p
  6. The last one is tight as fuck. The one with the mountains and water is good too. It shows that you have a broad range of painting skills.

  7. thanks blades for the kind hearted compliments, i actually been thinking about creating this thread a while back but i just never got around to it, but hearing all this feedback is definitely putting a smile on my face. :D

    i'm actually surprised that ppl like the last one.. its bit toony but i like it too
  8. Update guys

    I call this one my Doombox




  9. [​IMG]



    This was my favorite

  10. Nice man!
    I commented on deviantart too.
    Keep it up!
  11. diggin it bro. would +rep you but mine doesnt count for anything :p
  12. damn that last picture with the diamonds is crazy man. +rep
  13. sick art work! im definatly diggin it +rep on the doggy. it really made me feel warm and fuzzy for some reason :p
  14. WOW, jonny your art is way crazy, i like especially treeple and tworld but overall you have a such a uniqueness in your style i'm fuckin impressed:eek:

    ah thanks anyways.. don't know why none of the rep is going through, seems like none count :confused:
    Thanks brah i had a lot of fun that night :hello::p

    heehee its probably the drool and those puppy eyes :rolleyes:

    i guess i'll update for one more time today.. some stuff from my sketchbook







  15. Awesome stuff man! Really feelin the puppy and the storm trooper... but overall they all look sick! Keep it up dude
  16. i love the creativity and use of colors. great work man! :hello:
  17. Thanks you guys!

    Bump! take a look!
  18. the morrison/marley/hendrix one from the first post is sick man!
    who are the other two in that one?

    anyway...good stuff man

  19. bradley nowell from sublime and kurt cobain
  20. i really dig the hand, that is awesome, idk why, but for me it has a sense of power. like its reaching for something its tryin to obtain.

    just how i look at it. anyway, like i said before, great work. i really enjoyed this thread! subscribed :)

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