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Music of the past

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jermainel1, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. just was wondering what type of music people of the 70-80's would get high too?
  2. 70s music was perfect for gettin high to so...i guess they'd turn on their radio:hello:
  3. are u for real lol pink F is one
  4. im gunna take a wild guess nd say the kinda music at woodstock
  5. #5 dayvan cowboy, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2010
    spacemen 3.
  6. Pink Floyd is amazing.... actually... im listening to him right now lol:hello:
  7. dude, really?

    hendrix, sabbath, mahavishnu orchestra...
  8. [ame=]YouTube - Paul Robeson - Ol' Man River (Showboat - 1936) J.Kern O. Hammerstein II[/ame]
  9. :confused:
  10. probbaly lady gaga's mom
  11. You know, Pink Floyd, the English singer/songwriter :p

    He's a pretty cool guy
  12. errr ahhh ummm....

    Please be a troll
  13. Beatles
    judas preist

  14. #14 dirtydingusus, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010

    lmfao! "Well I've always had a deep respect, and I mean that most sincerely.
    The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think.
    Oh by the way, which one's Pink?"

  15. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

    what the fucking shit. what the fucking fuck?!
  16. PINK FLOYD - taken from the names of two Georgia bluesmen Pink Anderson and Floyd Council - from the early days when the band saw itself as a blues band
  17. A mix of different music. Did Pink F--Comfortably Numb (something soothing about that song while smoking), southern rock like 38 Special, Journey, Kiss, Ozzy, --later in the 80's, Tesla, Cinderella. There are a few more but I can not remember off the top of my head.

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