Moving big plants outdoors.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by BROWNTOWN, May 25, 2010.

  1. :confused:Anyone have any techniques or suggestions on how to move larger plants outdoors.I have 6 moms I wanna put out there bout 4foot average.So far All I came up with is two 7gal buckets one stacked on top the other and some duct tape.In a army duffle bag.

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  2. what i do when i transplant: I use a military surplus duffel with two plants in the pack.
    The duffel is an open top bag which i leave open with the plants sticking out. the bag i have is fairly large and can fit easily two 5 gallon pots. using this method you'd hve to do 2 trips wilst carrying one plant in hand.. really no other way around it..

    Or u could find a framed backpack and take the metal or wood frame off and fabricate a box on the back like a truck..


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