Moved Out

Discussion in 'General' started by tonyhimselff, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. So about two weeks ago i moved out of my parents house and into my GF's parents house. And i'm hoping this move will help me move on it life.

    Ever since i started working again i used to pay my dad $500 a month for rent and for letting me use his truck to get to work and back home. I paid for the insurance/gas and whatever other expense the truck used. I also cleaned the whole house once a week and did the gardening work.

    I did all that because my mother left my dad and me to go to mexico over a month ago. And my dad works out of town sunday-friday. So i was left in charge.

    Me and my dad never get along and i guess you can say he verbally abuses me alot. But this latest time i had enough.

    He was dropping me off at work around 6:45am because he needed the truck for something, and on the way there out of nowhere he starts yelling at me because i was only working a 6hour shift. He goes on saying that im a lazy piece of shit, that i'll never go nowhere in life and that he'd beat my ass right there for being so worthless. He went on for about another two minutes before we go to my workplace, when i got out i told him that i'd be gone by the end of the week.

    I havent seen my Dad since then.

    Was me moving out the right choice?
    I plan on seeing him in a few dayys to go visit him.

    I know some people might say i over reacted, but the thing is that my Dad has treated me this way ever since i was a little kid. We get along good when he's in a good mood, but other than that whenever i make a small small mistake he just explodes and says alll those things, and he never says sorry either.

    Sorry for the long post, i just feel like i need some input.
  2. Good riddance. Your dad sounds like an asshole. Obviously has his own issues.
  3. First off, you definitely don't need to apologize for a long post, both because it wasn't that long and also because you have a full right to get this off of your chest :)

    Your dad must be bitter because of your mom leaving him and it seems to me that she made the right choice, and so did you. Nobody is supposed to have to withstand verbal abuse like that from noone, and certainly not their father.

    My father has threatened to kick me out for very minuscule reasons but he has never done nothing like that to verbally abuse me. I feel that our connection is pretty good even though we argue every now and then, which I guess is normal.

    However, if you and your father were not getting along well and you were paying this large amount to live there, you should definitely just go. He doesn't deserve your money nor your company. It's time to jump into the deep pool and start swimming. You'd have to do it eventually anyways.

    However, I recommend trying to keep contact with your father, although he does sound quite unsupportive. At some times in life, I'm sure it can be pretty important to have your parents around. Let's just hope he learned from this.
  4. #4 IndyAir, Dec 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2010
    Moving out on your own and standing on your own two feet is one of the few true freedoms one can earn. That in itself is a good choice.

    Second, I would not say you over reacted. Sounds like your Dad has some issues dude. But the fact that he has been treating you like that since you were a kid is a bit rough.

    I wish you the best of luck with your new life ;)
  5. Yeah, i still feel bad for leaving him alone. He still is my father.

    And actually my mom came back a few days ago from Mexico and is back at home with my dad. But she say's she's going to get her old job back and move in with one of my friends moms.

    I am going to stay in contact with him though, i have a feeling my moms going to stay at home with him anyways so i'll have to get on good terms with him.

    My only issue now is my girlfriend is smothering me since i live here now :pPP

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