Mothers and cloning

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Suppa_K, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. Why exactly do people use mothers if they can just clone, or is the rate of getting clones from a plant not compare how many more seeds you can get for a mother? Just wondering because I want to keep my supply going with a mother or clones, and a mother MIGHT be a little hard to keep and make just because I need to get a male first and pollinate it, when with clones, you just clone and boom.
  2. #2 BAGZ, Dec 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2009
    People use mothers because the clones will always have the same traits so they find what they're looking for (ex:high yield,short height,smell..etc) and they will always have that. And what are you talking about you have to get a male first and pollinate it?
  3. Well I thought you get a female and polinate her so she produces seeds..? What else would be the point of a mother then? And where would female seeds come from, because I hear males only produce male seeds. Please correct me, I am little confused on the Mother aspect I guess, how else would you get seeds from your mother if you didnt polinate it?
  4. The point of Mothers is for clones, you take clipping off the mother, root them and there is your clones, while your clones are growing the mother plant will regrow what you took from her so you can do it again later.
  5. Suppa,
    You seem to have a misunderstanding as to how we use the term "mother" around here.
    A "mother" plant is NOT a pollinated female
    A "mother" plant is an unpollinated female that is kept under a 18/6 to 24/0 vegetative photoperiod, that is 18 hours or more light per day under artificial lighting conditions indoors.
    The reason a plant under these conditions becomes referred to as a mother is because when left under vegetative light cycles the plant will continue to produce new growth branches, the tips of which are used for taking cuttings to root (aka clone production). Thus the plant is the "mother" of dozens or more clones that are all exactly like her (genetically). The idea is to never induce flowering in a mother by introducing a 12/12 photoperiod.
    As for a term for a pollinated, seed-producing female, I dont know, i'm no seed banker so I guess I would just call em "ruined," LOL.

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