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Most Scariest Drive Home Ever, COPS !

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by kushmonsta, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. So at the moment I don't have my own car, I share a car with my mom. (aka I use it when shes not at work). She does not like me smoking weed in general, so we keep that subject at a "keep it to yourself" type of thing. A couple times Ive blazed or picked up really dank sacs and she told me she smells the weed the next day in the car, and I always make up some excuse.

    Today I went to grab a sac to blaze tonight, I asked to borrow the car and everything was cool. Once I grabbed the sac though the car filled with that skunky goodness in seconds. The bud was so caked and smelly it was awesome, except for the fact I couldn't stink up the car. Even keeping all the windows open on the drive home wasn't enough the other times, so this time I had a great idea. I closed my window almost to the top, then kept the weed OUTSIDE my window and a part of the sac INSIDE the car, so the bud was hanging outside the car window, NOT stinking up my car.

    Everything is all good and I felt so smart, sweet a sac and no smell? how perfect could this be. next thing I know 2 police cars are sitting at a red light, and once I pass the green they both flash their blue lights on. My sac is litterally sticking out my driver side window, and im like oh fuck and kept driving.. to my luck the police went past me and had smth else.

    I was shitting it at this point, thinking wow of all times they come now. Next thing I know I see another undercover car, and then 2 blocks later ANOTHER ONE! at this point I got sketched out and took the sac inside my car for the ride home.

    While finishing my drive home I saw another undercover car, but the sac was safely in my car at this point.

    All in all got home alright, my car smelt a bit but nothing a little axe couldn't fix. I never felt so scared in my life, since I have never been in trouble with the law and it was so co-incidental that I saw like 5 cop cars right beside me that day.

    Anyways gonna go blaze that sac, hope you enjoyed my story :smoke: :)

    happy tokin blades
  2. omfg thats hilarious! get some ozium bud, it takes the smell of smoke right away. and how does your mom smell if you never smoked in the car dang, it should be gone. put the bud in your room and go back to the car roll the windows down and go for a ride... but seriously put it in your pocket and it shouldnt even make a smell in the car. or like normal people and put it in a ziplock. not hanging out your window, thats retarded but gave me a laugh!!
  3. yea straight up, I bought some air fresheners for the car but she complained the smell was too strong for her and it gave her headaches. She has a very sensitive nose, even a wiff of bud smell is enough.

    Ive just been asked a few times by her about weed in the car, so I try to cover it up as much as possible now
  4. Put your sack in the gas tank department flap. No smell in the car. Yeah if they send in dogs its more likely your to be busted, but if taken to court you have some deniablity that's its yours. You could fight that someone else ditched it there. Just a thought.
  5. So your trying to tell me you had your bud hanging out the window of your car hanging down, and you thought that was a good idea..? LOL..

  6. smart idea, will remember this
  7. Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahha what the fuck?

    This shit is funny.
  8. lol dude youve must been real high like hey lets ride with weed sticking out of my window why not straight tape it to the outside of the window lol man youre crazy id better be busted by mom then the cops. Altough the look on the cops face when he arrests you and sees a bag of weed out the window must be priceless LOL

  9. This works really well I used to do it all the time. However, don't ever forget it's in there. I remember a day waiting at a really busy gas station a little baked, getting pissed off waiting for a spot while people are having catch-up conversations and reminiscing about childhood fucking memories at the pumps..

    Either way, I forgot I had a half oz sitting in there, I whip open the gas door, bag falls out in front of 6 or 10 people.. I quick kicked it under my car and nobody noticed, then pretended to drop my wallet and grabbed it.

    But holy shit it could have been worse!
  10. You should have took a picture.

  11. Hah lol, yeah good idea. But I would like feel that moment when they stop you, ask if you have any drugs you say no then they search car abd catch you and they tell you that they found 5 ounces of weed, and you say them 5? Dealer told me 6.... owww f...
  12. ......... no words for you.
  13. Haha that's pretty funny man, he would prolly let you go because you got ripped :rolleyes:
  14. Hahahah awesome story bro, I chuckled
  15. [quote name='"kushmonsta"']So at the moment I don't have my own car, I share a car with my mom. (aka I use it when shes not at work). She does not like me smoking weed in general, so we keep that subject at a "keep it to yourself" type of thing. A couple times Ive blazed or picked up really dank sacs and she told me she smells the weed the next day in the car, and I always make up some excuse.

    Today I went to grab a sac to blaze tonight, I asked to borrow the car and everything was cool. Once I grabbed the sac though the car filled with that skunky goodness in seconds. The bud was so caked and smelly it was awesome, except for the fact I couldn't stink up the car. Even keeping all the windows open on the drive home wasn't enough the other times, so this time I had a great idea. I closed my window almost to the top, then kept the weed OUTSIDE my window and a part of the sac INSIDE the car, so the bud was hanging outside the car window, NOT stinking up my car.

    Everything is all good and I felt so smart, sweet a sac and no smell? how perfect could this be. next thing I know 2 police cars are sitting at a red light, and once I pass the green they both flash their blue lights on. My sac is litterally sticking out my driver side window, and im like oh fuck and kept driving.. to my luck the police went past me and had smth else.

    I was shitting it at this point, thinking wow of all times they come now. Next thing I know I see another undercover car, and then 2 blocks later ANOTHER ONE! at this point I got sketched out and took the sac inside my car for the ride home.

    While finishing my drive home I saw another undercover car, but the sac was safely in my car at this point.

    All in all got home alright, my car smelt a bit but nothing a little axe couldn't fix. I never felt so scared in my life, since I have never been in trouble with the law and it was so co-incidental that I saw like 5 cop cars right beside me that day.

    Anyways gonna go blaze that sac, hope you enjoyed my story :smoke: :)

    happy tokin blades[/quote]

    Heres an idea... Get a fuckin dank tank/mason jar to cancel out the smell.

  16. read this repeatedly till you realize how grrreaat your idea was.
  17. Haha, thats hilarious. I've never heard of anybody else doing this. Probably because they did and got caught, lol. You should just get yourself a glass mason jar or some other air tight container for putting your weed in when you're in your car. I keep one under seat all the time in case I pick up some weed, that way I always have something to stop my car from smelling if I get pulled over.

  18. I only had to read up to here to understand this thread.

    First, weed will not stink up your whole car just because you have it on you. My god put it inside the glove box!

    Second, once I saw that your solution was driving with your bud out the window I lost all appreciation for the story! :eek:
  19. buy a jar for 3 bucks next time

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