Most ignorant thing you've heard someone say about the sweet maryjane?

Discussion in 'General' started by chronicman00, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. #61 Durchii, Sep 5, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2008
    Oh, I hear ignorant rhetoric every day when it comes to Cannabis... typically it comes from my own girlfriend, though.

    Some of the highlights after a night of relaxing with friends and a few joints are as follows:

    "I can't believe you smoked weed last night. That shit kills people and turns grown men into retards."

    "By the time you're forty, you and everyone on that site you post on is going to be completely gone in the brain, like durrr hurr hurr duhh." (Try and picture that one in your head without flinching)

    "You better start smoking that shit outside or I am so gone." (Usually she's joking at this point, but there's a brief moment right after this where she cocks her eyebrows in that 'Queen of the Universe' fashion that really bugs me)

    Try and make a simple argument with her and she will completely shut you out, or start shouting 'RANT! RANT! I can't hear this!'

    God, I know how to pick 'em!

  2. Poor durchii!
    That totally sucks when its your S.O. that does those things...
    My mom was bad but now she shuts up about it.
  3. ...damn..
  4. i was talkking about the election with a kid i know, and finally he goes, you know, if i was president guess what i would do...

    i was like what

    he's like i would legalize weeed and have it sold by the government

    then i was like sweet dude!!!

    then he goes, then we track all the people that bought it and throw them in jail, then the world would be so much better

    i was like wtf???

    he s like you dont smoke weed do you?

    i'm like nah

    hes like good cause 1 marijuana joint is equivalent to smoking 5 cigs, tar wise

    i slapped taht kid in the face so hard
  5. Durchii, sounds like you need to exercise your pimp hand.
  6. Most ignorant thing I've ever heard someone say about MJ, is " lets make it illegal"

    ^^ First scene from Pineapple Express.
  8. one of my favorites is the "weed is bad for you it kills" and then i ask them if they drink and they say "ya its legal and fun" and i say "you dumb bitch alcohol kills more people then any drug and its way worse for you." im pretty sure most teen deaths are either suicides or drunk drivers or something of the sort atleast from my experience.
  9. oh man I forgot about this thread. I havent heard anything ignorant for a while now..
  10. 98% of all marijuana users enjoy breaking the law.

  11. Actually theres some truth to that. Marijuana smokers enjoy breaking the law because they enjoy smoking marijuana.(This applies to the non medical users)
  12. "Smoking Dope (cannabis) will make you want to have incest with your sisters..."

    DEAd fucking serious...then the guy continued in his drunken idiocy and said, "I'd incest your sisters, (My name), heh heh heh" that weird redleck chuckle...

    i chunked my beer at him, and he fell into the bushes and passed out..

    i think this was 2 year of college
  13. When I got pulled over back in January the cop had me open my mouth and said I had "heat bumps" on the back of my throat which indicated that I had been smoking pot. I've never heard of heat bumps in my life, and anyone I've ever talked to about it has no idea what the hell he was talking about.

    Oh, and I got pulled over with a friend of mine who's in college to become a cop, so he gave up smoking before he started college. The cop said his tongue was green and tried to get him to admit to smoking.
  14. dump the bitch!
  15. In 8th grade this tight ass bitch lady came into my school to talk about drugs and she said very strictly (I'm putting emphasis on the words she vocally accented) if you smoke marijuana you WILL fail at school, you WILL lose ALL of your friends, and your life WILL BE a downward spiral from then on.
  16. "Mary Jane is fat" when really she just had a big butt
  17. dunno if this has already been mentioned and it's not really the most ignorant thing i heard more so read or saw. but yeah.. all the anti-marijuana propaganda posters that show needles, as if people inject it.. haha it just amuses the hell out of me. most of then are old like circa 1930, but i've seen some fairly recent ones that still show stupid shit like that.
  18. "And like I saw James the other day and he was like high out of his mind, stoned out of his gourds, I thought he was a better person but I guess not."-girl I am friends with that doesn't know I smoke.

    My heart sank when I heard that from her.
  19. when my co-worker was in high school his mom found a joint and was like, "i can't beleive you put that stuff in your arm.

  20. hahaha. hell yeah! that's what i was talkin bout. :)

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