
Discussion in 'General' started by Nima420, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. I got a q for every1 who has to get up early mornings... I know some people are just naturally good at it but I always feel like crap even when I get a good amount of sleep yet when I wake up in the day I feel great and so much more energy...

    It's basically like a groggy/gross feeling on my skin and uncomfortable when taking a shower, really sensitive so like if it's slightly chilly outside I'll get this these chills down my spine, always tired and don't wake up until like 1/2 pm... feels like I need to stretch and my body is all sore. Blazing sometimes makes it better (cover it up or make me feel good) sometimes worse (more tired).

    Does anyone else have this issue? What do you guys do to fix it. Hate feeling like crap all the time at work/school/whatever :p
  2. take vitamin b12 is a natural energy vitamin
  3. Yea.

    That's called waking up in the morning. And you don't get up intill 1/2 pm because your a lazy fuck, not because of some disease. Unless laziness is a disease, then you do have it.

    TLDR: going to die.
  4. I prioritize.
    If I know I have to wake up early the next day, I'll get to bed early.
    People make it sound like some mind boggling puzzle.

    that is all.

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