More than meets the eye

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by zen420, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. So a couple days ago I was just sitting around smoking a spliff and looking at world around me. I noticed that there is more than meets the eye. I mean I know that there are more than 3 demensions, but I was looking at all the plants and trees and trying to understand that there is more to life than just visuals that we perceive. I visualized myself shrinking down to the size of an ant and just tried to visualize what earth is from their own perception. Things seem bigger (of course) but I guess what Im getting at is there is more than just us. We often get wrapped up and don't notice that there is so much more going on everywhere. Energy is shifting, plants grow, organizims are born etc. It just dawned on me that there so much more to us and call me self centered but I guess I have taken for granted the beauty of life and earth. I forget who said it but I truly believe the saying if you dont stop and take a look around life will pass you by. From this day forward Im going to stop and smell the roses and not let anything pass me by. I know you all might think I am crazy or have already figured this out. But life is short, I am just glad I came to my senses before it was too late. Anyway that is one of my philosophical aspects in life. If you want to share what you feel about what I think go ahead I am curious, am I wrong? Just thought I would share
  2. Glad to see a lot more people having realizations like this! :D
  3. That's a good perspective to have. I like it. There's just so much life out there, in ways we cannot fathom but must trust that they exist.
  4. there is always more than meets the eye

    and even then there is more

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