Discussion in 'Movies' started by Notodrugstakethe_HIGH_road, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Heyy Lovely People of earth, and beyond!
    My dog has a question. 
    First, My Dog thinks talk about alcohol is not appreciated here, but he's not sure, cause he's blized out of his mind.
    But My Dog is going over to his very good friend's house, where there will be some weed and alcohol, 47 proof rum, anyways, my dog is bad in that way, but he keeps wondering what would be a good movie Drinking/Blazing game for any great movie to be watched when high/drunk, if he were a human.
    Could you tell my dog a good movie, and drinking/blazing game to play with his friend while baked and drunk...
    STAY HIGH!!!

  2. You don't need to hide behind that swim/my dog/a friend stuff here man.

    Off top of my head: Friday is always a classic, The Union if you want a weed documentary
  3. I'm SOOO SORRY, But I Must Be in a cake shop
  4. Yea..saying your dog is kinda lame. But some great movies are:
    -The Breakfast Club
    -This Is The End
    -Pineapple Express
    -21 Jumpstreet
    -Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory (older version)
  5. The day in the life..... Well, i have had many experiences talking to my dog, but not with my mouth, but through communicating through brain waves. Or like Independence day, and play Beethoven for him.
    On to da question, first get some coca-cola, rum and coke is the unofficial official drink mix. But ill be honest with ya, you gotta watch some workaholics....but movies; i would say put on a little pineapple express, or maybe Dude wheres my car, that certainly wouldn't hurt. 
    Heres a song, itll get ya in the mood, mean while cook yourself a good breakfast, depending time zone. Get a big glass of OJ, and eat a mango. Remember STAY HIGH ALL DAY.

  6. Good movies fo yo dogg-
    Lady and the Tramp
    101 Dalmatians
    I Am Legend
  7. Don't forget homeward bound and all dogs to to heaven!
  8. Watch scarface

    And every time someone says


    Take a hit

    Or drink
  9. This is The End :bongin:
  10. Don't know about you, but my dogs love nothing more than chasing other dogs. I just let them in the yard and they chase each other for hours. Dogs are awesome  :cool:.
  11. Haha yes op your dog sounds pretty intelligent :rolleyes:

    By any means necessary
    LOL, you'll be drunk and high in no time going by those rules. Haha. 

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