Monday night!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by Terpsichore, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. Ok, so some of you may remember me talking about this helicopter that had been flying over my house every night and shining down their spot light... well that still happens, just not so regularly..(every other or every two nights now) Anyways... Monday, 8:56pm (I know because I looked at the clock and thought 4 minutes until my daughter has to go to bed) and I hear sirens coming towards me.. I happen to be in my bed room and look out my window (which is a direct view into the front of my house and the ajacent streets) and see a cop car sirens and lights a blarin barralling down the middle of the residential street towards my house. Now my house sits on a 3 way stop, the street goes from left to right and north... he's traveling south towards my house, he slowled slightly at the stop sigh and looked like he was going to turn left, and continue, but he didn't he pulled into my driveway, forcing a white camaro to jump the curve and slam into my passenger side door, (which I didn't actually even see until later) I saw him (the po-po) jump out of his car and start chasing someone... My hubby grabbed our gun and went out side.. I followed after securing our daughter, and found the white camaro, where the person who was running from the cop had lost a shoe right infront of his car, and the HUGE Divit his car had left in our door... Now I mentioned the helicopter because on THIS DAY.. it was, typically, no where to be found, and the guy running from the cop with one shoe got away... then on top of that, the cop who was too slow or too fat to catch the guy on foot piped attitude with my husband... after having forced the camaro off the road and into my car... yes that's right, the police officer directly forced a car off the road over the curb through the grass and into the passenger side door of my 2001 silver grand prix. And I saw everything the cop car did... So now we're thinking we're going to do everything we can to make to OKC police department pay our $300 deductable, because as some fo you may know, neither my husband nor I have worked in a year, so we don't exactly have $300 to spend on something like this, and if that doesn't work we have pictures, my eye witness account and the account of neighbors who all came out to see why there were police cars in our drive way... so I guess my question is.. do you guys think we have a shot at all? My husband is wanting to go into the police station and talk to the officer's supervisor (the cop was a real dick head!!) and see what can be done, but I wanted to see what you guys and gals think.. Oh by the way.. we have already decided that after next spring semester (once he get's his associates in engineering) we're moving to Denver, so we're getting out of here.... LoL... Thanks for your opinions...

    ~ Terpsichore
  2. hell yes i would complain. I woulda complained about the harrasment from the piggies in the sky a long time ago. They're wasting taxpayer dollars and valuable resources playing flash light tag w/ houses, and playing cowboy's and indians w/ no respect for the law (aint that ironic), human lives, or any consequences. I'd raiiiiiise some hell.
  3. consult a lawyer of a family friend who knows a thing or to about law, because barging into a police station demanding money without having all your facts straight isn't a good idea, it makes your claims look bad and they won't take you as seriously, so get a lawyer who knows what other claims you could file for! there could be reckless driving, or some kinda charge and come to think u having a little kid, if it ever got out and got hit or worse killed.

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