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Moms papers

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hightimes420guy, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. I'm 19 and I still live with my parents, my cars in the shop though and the nearest headshop is roughly 5 miles. Also if i get a ride from one of my friends i would have to pay gas money. I don't wanna pay $8 for a pack of papers. Now i know there's a lot of problems with taking parents ganja but what about taking a zigzag? Would that still make me a fiend? Also my parents aren't chill with me smoking because they still think I'm to young (they didn't start until in their late 30s).
  2. [quote name='"hightimes420guy"']I'm 19 and I still live with my parents, my cars in the shop though and the nearest headshop is roughly 5 miles. Also if i get a ride from one of my friends i would have to pay gas money. I don't wanna pay $8 for a pack of papers. Now i know there's a lot of problems with taking parents ganja but what about taking a zigzag? Would that still make me a fiend? Also my parents aren't chill with me smoking because they still think I'm to young (they didn't start until in their late 30s).[/quote]

    Dude, they won't even notice.
  3. Well I figured that but it was more on moral purposes like stealing.
  4. My bad double post
  5. dude its a paper....i wouldnt consider that stealing, if u feel that badly about it, replace it tomo when u can get a ride....
  6. or u can always use an apple, etc.....or come to my house, im bought to burn a fat ass dutchie
  7. Just take the paper, nobody will notice. I would take two of them so that they are facing the same direction in the pack.
  8. That makes no sense, you own your own morals. If everyone here said stealing is right and weed is wrong then what? A lot of people have that moral and obviously everyone is different. I would ask but if you have to be late 30s to smoke then I have no clue what to say.
  9. Dude wherever they sell cigs they sell papers... just go to a convenience store and grab a pack of zig zags
  10. Alright thanks erryone ima smoke this fat j

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  11. ^^ wait what? lmao....dude i have a headache from this thread....complaining about not having papers, with a fat ass J rolled.....fucking light that motherfucker and start walking to get some papers bro!! Jesus....

  12. word man, enjoy it
  13. [quote name='"hightimes420guy"']Alright thanks erryone ima smoke this fat j[/quote]

    Haha! Nice one dude 0_o
  14. i like ur comforter btw haha
  15. [quote name='"hightimes420guy"']Well I figured that but it was more on moral purposes like stealing.[/quote]

    Stealing is morally wrong to begin with. I dont see where your going with this.
  16. really not the worst advice ive ever go for this
  17. [quote name='"MIjbr90190"']

    Stealing is morally wrong to begin with. I dont see where your going with this.[/quote]

    Idk man I was just like on the line between it's not that big of a deal and im a fiend for jacking shit
  18. Man you set your own morals so it is up to you to decide.
  19. Smoke out of an apple or water bottle
  20. They'll notice if you start taking them here and there. Once may be fine. Do you not have any tobacco stores around you? I know you said no head shops but around here there are tobacco barns like crazy.

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