Mom took my weed..

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by thakilla, May 19, 2009.

  1. Fuck im so damn pissed i just picked it up yesterday and she fuckin found it today and keeps givin me hell about it! Damn it.
  2. Your mom is smoking your weed right now.

    Maybe once you're old enough you won't have to worry about it...

    sorry, dude...
  3. lol owned!

    Learn to hide it better?
  4. Steal it back :D
  5. Dude ive hid it everywhere and they keep fuckin findin out. This time she found it by following the smell. Thats how dank it was. Ha but it sucks so bad dude.
  6. Take out a bottom drawer and put it on the floor underneath. Use a mason jar if it smells too much.
  7. just be like, mom, i already paid for it, lets not be wasteful
  8. You must not be a very good hider.
  9. ^^^all of the above^^^
  10. You could always Bang her to get it back.

    Registered User
    Join Date: Mar 2009
    Location: Alabama
    Posts: 32

    Lol I kid I kid!
  11. lmfao!!!!
  12. Hide it outside, dummy. Tape it to the bottom of the porch or something.
  13. open up your computer and hide it in there:)
  14. If it is not your house may I suggest to respect the home owner (your Mom?) and follow HER rules!?

    You'd expect the same from your kid(s), wouldn't you!?
    (the last might be more a rhetoric question though) :rolleyes:
  15. have u lost scales, a hp, bowls, bongs and cash? :( my parents are like dea LOL
  16. if none of the above solutions work for you, you could always shove it up your butt

    seriously though, it's not that hard to hide your stash. try harder
  17. except they don't haul your ass to jail

    smell around your house for you nug dude :rolleyes:
  18. dude my mom has taken like 3 to 4 grams out of my room over the past year haha and a hella fat glass pipe that i only had for like 4 days

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