Mom steal my weed

Discussion in 'General' started by DJspinbad, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. Well I bought an oz from school so I could have a good supply while I'm home in the summer. I know my mom smokes weed and I know she used to steal it from my brother. Anyway this weekend I went on a trip and now the oz is somehow almost gone. Lol she obviously stole it because stuff wasn't placed the way I put it. Now how should I approach my mom I would like her to ante up because she stole a ton. Like it was some kind of grab bag where you take only what you can hold. I was thinking about setting up a camera to catch her in the act but I want to confront her now. How should I confront her? I want it to be hilarious but forthcoming also.
  2. What a fucking bitch, I thought you was going to say your mom caught you and confiscated it but it seems she's ok with you smoking and just steals from you, she's obviously ok with it otherwise she would take it all so just say, "why are you stealing my things/weed/stash?"
  3. She stole an OZ from you?! What a bitch man lol. Just straight up ask her for it, if not steal something of hers of equal value and smash it or whatever
    You sure it wasnt your bro?
  4. I'd go through her shit. Unless she's one seriously hardcore toker, there's no way your mom smoked all that weed in a single weekend. If and when you find it, then confront her and be like damn all you had to do was ask lol
  5. ya if my mom stole from me ... well she wouldnt get her full motherly respect.
    pretty snake movement for a mother, ma brother

    is you mom low on income?

    mom why would you steal from me. you know i dont have alot of money and you dont give me much.
    i am your son you dont have to lie, steal from me.

    i would love to know when you\re going through my belongs, and especially taking them.

    mom am i losing trust in you, not something that is good in a mother-son relationship.
    what is wrong with you, you stupid fiend.
    you've lived enough of your life, not get the fuck out of mine and stop stealing my happiness. thanks mom
    -lol jp about the last part-maybe
  6. She didn't steal an oz more like an eighth. And the only reason I know she stole from my brother is b/c my dad just told me. Shes somewhat ok with me smoking but IDK why she yells at me sometimes especially since I know she does it in her bathroom. I checked her stash (ok maybe I used to steal her dirt weed) and it was empty. I think I'm going to say "Hey I used to steal from me, you obviously had your payback this weekend. Let's just call it even and stop stealing from eachother." Even though it was crap weed and it was only about 4 times.

  7. Karma Chop!
  8. Go get some balls and recover that Oz!
  9. lol classy family you got
  10. Well everyones parents smoke...just mine still do. Alot of parents around here smoke. NJ
  11. that was in reference to stealing each other's shit

    you should just confront her about it
  12. The woman probably feels that since she gave you life, you owe her a blunt now and then if she "stumbles" upon your stash.:smoking:

    I personally don't think around $200 (shot in the dark guess) worth of pot is worth confronting your Mom over. Pot is easy to come by, you only have 1 relationship with your mom. Unless you have 2 moms:cool: In the future, if you ever have kids or a pet, and need a babysitter, remind your mom of all the time she nipped on your bud and I'm sure she'll return the weeds value to you through other services. That's what family is for when you get a bit older.

    With that being said, sounds like you really need to find a better hiding spot for your stash. Although, if your Mom has a good nose for it that might be easier said than done! Good luck though.
  13. Call her out. Bitch slap her if you have to. I dont care if it is your mom, stealing weed is NEVER acceptable.
  14. Unless you are paying for rent/mortgage, food, and your laundry I suggest you let that one go. Oh and about that smoking in the bathroom thing, the key word is "Her" bathroom

  15. You should listen to this guy.
  16. Hide your shit better, period.

    You did the same to her so you shouldn't be mad. Oh and the fact that she puts a roof over your head kind of gives her the right to do what she wants.
  17. just smoke her out and tell her to ask you before she takes it.

    and at least shes cool wit it and dont take the whole damn thing.

    i'd be pretty grateful if i was in your situation
  18. My mom steals my weed all the time. :mad:
  19. Buy an obvious lockbox and place it where your stash was. It will serve two purposes. One it will keep your buds from being stolen and secondly, it shows that you know that your buds were taken. Sort of like letting her know, without confronting her, that you know she stole your pot.
  20. Don't let people call your mom a bitch bro. Seriously you guys don't know her to be saying that. And op you have probably stolen a couple ounces from your mom if you add up all the pinches you have been taking since you were 2 years old lol.

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