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Mom is home..spring break

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tokindatkush, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. So I'm in college and being the poor college student I am due to that good ol' mary jane and tuition and stuff I couldn't afford to go anywhere for spring break. So I just smoked a bowl of some bud with jwh-018 on top in the bathroom. Mom is downstairs, doesn't know a thing and I'm just chillin playing some call of duty high as shit. Great times haha. Stay lifted fellas:smoking: Just had to share cause it feels so good to be able to relax like this without any worries lol
  2. what do you mean jwh-018 on top? Do you have it in liquid form? Or did you just put some spice on top of your bowl of bud?
  3. He probably means powder form. Pure JWH usually comes in a white or off-white powder.
  4. Hells ya, I'm on spring break too, i just bought an either and...I left my pipes at school! I'm thinking apple pipe or trying to make a fire cracker! and then some CoD also. Stay high bro:smoking:
  5. I don't get spring break for 2 more weeks :(
  6. yeah it was the powder form

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