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mmj nevada

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by comrade, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. I will be moving to central nevada soon and I know the state aproves of mmj but I was wondering if anyone on here has any insite, as the only way to be legal in nevada is to regiester with the state department of agriculture. So any of you mmj users out there in nevada hit me back
  2. + Nevada Medical Marijuana

    garunteed to help.
  3. Not in the slightest, I've already read all the laws I just wanted to know if anyone had actualy reegisterd in nevada so I could get the dl.
  4. im looking for the same info man. I live in northern nevada and have been trying to find someone else that has gone through it. if you learn anything good, let me know. Thanks.
  5. I had a friend who had a Medical Marijuana Referral from Cali.

    He drove out there to get it instead, and never really "registered" due to the fact he didn't want to be in a database, he was involved in other illegal activities.

    Cops honored it as far as marijuana goes, he never grew in his own home but did possess it.

    Thats my tidbit of info.
  6. so i could get a cali referral card and use it in Nevada? I live right on the nevada cali border, and that would be awesome if i could do that.
  7. I know from personal expirence if you are legal, just visiting, and only have a personal amount 1oz or less they wont realy fuck with you. But what if you are a resident? Do you have to register?

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