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MMJ and financial aid?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by k1411, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. hey guys
    i am a college student and i am wondering if being a mmj patient will effect my FAFSA. i really need the medication but i dont know if i can risk losing my college funds, i know that if i am convicted of possession i will lose financial aid, but what if i am just charged with possession, but later have the case dropped because of the doctors rec?

    also do cops write up tickets for possession after a patient shows valid proof of a doctors rec? like for example they say something like "I dont care, explain it in court."

    and i'm wondering if paying extra for the actual physical card will help in anyway?
  2. Sounds like an intreating topic.
  3. No and no. I get 5k a semester for school
    From them. And as long as u are not being a prick to the cop they are usually cool about it. I have been pulled over a few times with weed in the car. Showed him my paper work and they let me go. Not even the speeding ticket either
  4. If you get busted in any way for "drugs", you'll have to state you went through a rehab program on your FAFSA paperwork.
  5. [quote name='"Friendlybear"']If you get busted in any way for "drugs", you'll have to state you went through a rehab program on your FAFSA paperwork.[/quote]

    ^This or payback all grants
  6. HIPPA protects your patient status, however, if you're busted for any reason and your patient status becomes public record, then you could have an issue

  7. what do you mean by busted for any reason? do you mean drug related?

    cool i was under the impression that some cops were assholes and didnt respect the mmj laws,
    anyone ever have experiences where cops just completely ignored legal valid mmj documentation?

  8. Although I have no experience with the cops, at least when it comes to MMJ, that seems highly unlikely. Local police enforce city and state law over federal law I believe, at least when it comes to medical bud. :smoke:
  9. just dont get busted dude, even though im medical now i still am careful to not get burned just because i know even though in the end i wont get convicted of anything cops will do anything to fuck with medical patients
  10. Why would FAFSA interfere? As medical patients we don't stand to benefit anything other than the effects of marijuana. Now it could cause a problem if they manage your money for you.

    However I too am receiving FA and never thought about this. Anyway I decided to look on google and see what I can find. Some other dude posted about his concern right here on GS! :hello: haha I think every possible question about marijuana use has been answered here.


    Medical Marijuana Card - Effect on FAFSA

    So its look like you will only have a problem if you have been convicted. I've smoked plenty of times outside in public areas, thinking cops aren't going to do shit but I don't want any problems. Need to be more low key. Edibles haha

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