Mixing tabacco with weed, need help

Discussion in 'General' started by squiires, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Yo so basically all my friends use tabacco in there joints, i don't really want to do this since i am trying to quit smoking already, is there any way around this, i mean when i'm sat at my friends house and they are smoking i'm tempted to have some then i'm craving a cigarette after, i just want to smoke pure weed anyone got any tips or anything, much appreciated thanks, the thing is i'm from england too, so anyone from england pretty much uses tabacco in there weed or i just don't want too anymore, some of my friends just smoke weed but it's mixed with tabacco also but they have never smoked cigarettes so they don't really know what smoking a cigarette is like ..
  2. Man, just get the fuck outta England!!!
  3. Go buy your own weed and don't mix it with tobacco! simple as that haha :)

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