Mixing nutes

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Chill?, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. So hopefully everyone is seeing those white hairs this is my first grow and things are looking pretty solid I just got some fox farms beastie bloomz, cha ching, and open sesame I've been slowly weening off the grow big and working the big bloom and Tiger bloom in. I've been mixing everything based off how the plant looks but it was normally 3 teaspoons of grow big 3 Epsom salt and 4 big bloom but Has anyone mixed the open sesame and beastie bloomz together or would that be overkill for the first feeding?
  2. I would look up the foxfarm feeding chart ... And start at half strength of what they recommend ... If you are in veg shouldn't be using the open sesame, beastie blooms or chaching til flower

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  3. Everything is in flower I'm about a week and half and ive been slowly reducing the nitrogen to switch over

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