What does mixing coffee beans with soil do and when is it recomended to start doing that and whats kind of coffee is recommended....PLz answers will be appreciated!!!!
Never heard of Coffee Beans added directly to the soil. However, if you make your own compost used coffee grounds are a great addition to the process. They provide a great source of nitrogen. If you don't drink coffee, or enough to be beneficial, your local Starbucks will give you their used grounds for free. Just ask. Good luck.
well i dont do a compost but i do drink lots of coffee would it be benificial to mix used coffee bean grounds with the soil if so how much would be to much i need a coffee soil ratio
What exactly IS a compost pile? Making natural fertilizer right..? My grandma is always saving weird stuff like banana peels and egg shells and god knows what else always using it for her plants. I dont think she really lets it decompose enough though to be efficient.