
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by PoserInAParka, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. I'm an absolute noobie getting ready for my first indoor grow this fall. One quick question...

    Can you use actual mirrors in your grow tent to reflect light back upwards towards your plants? Observing a lot of the grow journals, I've noticed that everyone tends to use foil or foil-like reflective services at the base of their plants. But I've never noticed any mirrors and I wonder why.

    Would an actual mirror reflect too much lighting?
  2. Mirrors reflect less then mylar..considerable amount less. A mirror is glass with a metal coating on the back. The light refracts inside the glass and is aborbed more then its reflected. They also generate hot spots more so then mylar.

    The best reflector just about is flat white paint. Cheap.

    So to answer your question no it would reflect less light. Strange as that may seem.
  3. Oh wow! Good to know. Thank you.
  4. ya, mylar, or flat white latex paint.

    foils (tin/aluminum) do a piss poor job of reflection.

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