Miracle-Gro Soil?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by pretzels, Feb 4, 2006.

  1. I just read a few threads talking about Miracle-Gro ferts and soil... most people are saying that Miracle-Gro will kill your plants. Is it okay just to use Miracle-Gro soil?

    I just bought Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food.. which thankfully I haven't used yet.. shall I return it to Home Depot? And for that matter, should I return the unopened miracle-gro soil as well???

    All help is greatly appreciated. :D
  2. I just used miricle grow soil and my new seedling is doing very well. I don't know about long term effects though?
  3. On my first grow I used MG, I remember I using 70% MG soil and 30% vermiculite and my plants were absolutely fine. I would say its more likely for them to die because of newbies overwatering or ferting too early/too much etc than having them die because of MG soil. But if you are still scared I guess you could return it but if I were you I would be too lazy to hahaa -I think its fine :)
  4. MG soil usually has ferts in it already. They're chemical ferts and if you use a HID light (MH or HPS) they form into salts quicker and release faster making it easy to burn your plants.

    That said, I've seen MG soil grow used and recommended elsewhere. You really have to tailor what you do to your specific situation, which is where experience comes in. However, after looking at Home Depot yesterday, I found that they have a TON of potting soils with ferts in them and only 1 without. And it's less than $3 a 40lb bag.
  5. I've used 40% perlite with them, and grew fine some plants that were supposedly "fertilizer sensitive". Dilute them a bit with perlite and/or verm and they should be fine. Both of those can be found at walmart or home depot BTW so look around!
  6. If it has time released ferts in it, or chemical fertilizers already in it, its not very good at all for growth. It burns the hell out of them..

    Get a nice organic mix... they LOVE it..
  7. Miracle grow soil works great...anybody who says it doesn't work hasn't tried it. :rolleyes: The only problem is it doesn't drain very well, I mix it 50/50 with perlite.
  8. Yes MG soil or ferts work fine.

    As a matter of fact MG soil works FANTASTIC!! Its all i use. Yes it does not drain good because it is not really "dirt" its mulched organic material with added time release ferts.......a good thing.

    It will NOT burn your plants, but will drown them if you don't have a good drain hole(s) and or over water. Sand or vermiculite mixing is a good idea.....though i don't do it.

    I grew a few plants in MG and in regular potting soil in the past and its no joke the MG plant grew twice and large and twice as fast!!!!

    Look at my threads under Devilred and see my pics......thats all MG soil and they are perfect growers.
  9. the effects of m/g and your plants will be determined by how vulnerable your gentic strain is to its effects. everyone is going to have differant results when using it, you cant narrow down something and say it does or does not work for a fact b/c we all are not growing the same exact plant. ive personally found it too burn, but thats just what were my results, it does not mean i have not tried it or dont know how to grow. its basically up to the plant we are growing to decide on that.
  10. I don't think it will kill your plants becaue i am using the soila nd the fert, but it may not be the very best but it works.
  11. If seedlings are started in MG that has time release fertilizer, it will over-fertilize the seedlings. I have personally done this a few times. Yield will be affected as well as potency. Time release fertilizer in soil is the worst product for growing MJ in indoors. The time release process is sped up with the artificial lighting and seedlings can not handle it. If you have seedlings in MG soil with time release fertilizer, get them out immediately. If you are well into your grow you are probably ok but, consider growing your next grow in anything other than MG. Organic potting soil with vermiculite and perilite in it is excellent.
  12. My miracle grow soil is organic and no time release ferts are in it.
  13. Take this advice from experience....Miracle Grow potting soil does work...over the past two years the company has lowered the amount of time released ferts in the soil...the bags from the home dump are comparable to many organic soils....

    Fox Farm is not the only soil people...

  14. wellsaid

    But if it is organic, No problem, and discredit anything everyone said. The time release is what isn't good.

  15. can somebody say that this forum blows? :wave: long live rc...

    How can you discredit someone elses experiences? Time release ferts are great, think about all the nubs who don't want/know how to add ferts to an organic compost...those time release ferts in Miracle Grow potting soil allow you to not have to add any ferts in veg. Most strains are not that sensitive to where the little fert would actually burn...

    fuck man did you even know that MG potting soil is not even 1-1-1? :rolleyes:

    Shut the mouth :)

    ps- I'm only backing MG potting soil because I have seen what it does....its not like scotts 20-20-20 prefert...

  16. I am starting a grow in time release soil (just because thats all the store had. It is Sta_green Flower and vegetable soil and the NPK is 0.05-0.03-0.03. I seriously doubt i will have a burn problem be we have to wait and see.

    Graffix :cool:

    edit- PS: my seeds wont be started in the soil tho, the will be transfered to it at about 6in high
  17. ^^ yes, for the seedlings you could use a peat&perlite seed starter mix...I'd say if you're using party cups to transplant out of the peat&perlite mix at about 3 inches...this is done because peat becomes quite acidic after awhile.

    good luck to you.
  18. I would have to dissagree completely on this.

    I have grown Durban poison, white widow, blue mystic, bubblicouse, Northern lights, and other bag seeds and have started them all in MG soil and have had FANTASTIC results!!!

    Ive grown all of these strains indoors and outdoors with MG potting soil.

    If you are worried don't use it. But if you want to see the results that we who have had good luck give it a try. Do your own little test. Grow one in regular soil and one in MG (thats what i did). The MG plant grew easily twice as fast!!!
  19. Just look at how unhealthy these plants are. At 6 weeks from sprout in MG soil you can see how unhealthy they look.

    Durban Poison and White Bubble ( my own cross of White Widow and Bubblicious). Apparantly are good examples of how the MG soil will stunt your plants and leave you crying.

    Picture taken 2 minutes ago

    These plants are approx 24" tall
  20. Cracka,

    How you consider grower error? Just how stable is White Bubble? =\....

    Like the other guy said above.....try it and see if it works for you...can't deny the experiences of others....

    Currently, I do not have anything going right now for myself...but I'm working with a guy right now who is just tapping into using MG...and let me just say, he has stalks that are the sizes of quaters. I know that's not insanely big but it's big.


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