Ok. So i read somewhere that in dreams you can only see people uve seen before. Like if ur in the mall and theres a crowd of people uve seen all of them. So since we dont know what dreams really mean then who are the people we see everyday. Have i seen them before? Are dreams and the real world connected
How come we cant see our faces in dreams? That always fucks with me. Have you ever seen someone irl that you had previously seen in a dream? I know I have.
[quote name='"MrHighFlyer"']How come we cant see our faces in dreams? That always fucks with me. Have you ever seen someone irl that you had previously seen in a dream? I know I have.[/quote] I've seen my face in a dream. I looked in a mirror and it was all distorted. My traps were like 10 times normal size but it was still my face. Freaked me out when I woke up.
During REM your brain is deciding which memories to keep and which to throw away. Dreams occur with elements from your day in them. Nothing new here.
i dream in 3rd person sometimes. almost like a fucking music video of yourself or something. When i dream in 1st person is when things get trippy, scary, or wierd.
Dreaming has always mindfucked me! I always get a sense of dejavu when I dream because at one point during the week I'm like holy shit I recognize this event or person from a previous dream. I always see people that have some sort of impact on me in real life in all of my dreams. Some weird shit!
I loove dreMing. I use dreaming now to get away from my life. Lately ive been trying to dream lucidly more often and im starting to remember my dreams in vivid detail. Ive been catching myself dreaming almost every night. I can even wake up in my room and head back to sleep sometimes. Hahaha, dreaming, its like some kinda subconscius playground for me now. For instance. Ive been away from weed, my town, and my friends for weeks, and to make up for it,, i started to get high in my dreams. Lol its not the same thing as actually being hih, but shit, it gets me through i guess lol Dreams are crazy, u know if u stare at ur hands while u dream they go all crazyb and shit? And like try looking at words and shit while ur dreaming, its like hard to focus and the shit tottally changes when u look away. I think the coolest thing about dreaming is the fact that totaaly weird shit is just like acceptable in the middle of your dream and it tottally fucks u out when u think about it in the morning. Shbt, im kinda drunk and im goinna head to bed,c good nigut.
I've tried smoking weed in lucid dreams before. It's kinda like...smoking weed that isn't very good, and you're like "Yea I guess I'm...kinda high..."
[quote name='"TheJourney"'] I've tried smoking weed in lucid dreams before. It's kinda like...smoking weed that isn't very good, and you're like "Yea I guess I'm...kinda high..."[/quote] In my dreams, if I havent smoked in awhile, ill be crazy stupid high, My eyes would feel glued, if I were with friends or something I'd be so high it would probably compare to heroin or something lol, And ill be in my dream walking around "why did I smoke all that weed at once, fuck I'm sooo high"
haha. It's occurred to me, that how high I feel in dreams, itself, would be a mental projection, like anything else. The last couple times I've done it, I've felt more high than I usually do. I think if I do it with a mindset that I'm going to feel really high, I will.
Maybe that's why it happens to me when I haven't smoked in awhile, because I'm just thinking about how I can't wait to be back in town and spark of an L joint and kickback, But I've done coke in dreams too before, I would just start raging... If I was in prison I'd probably sleep all day and fuckin party hahah
you can see people in your dreams that you havent seen before (in this life) i was sitting in a circle with my arms around this girl, i still remember her face and hair, it felt like i knew her for ever and when i woke up i was confused! i remember a lot of my dreams but this one i could remember the feelings i had
I have those dreams all the time man. In my dream I'll feel like I've known the person my entire life but when I wake up I'm like who the fuck was that?
Man, i bet people back then didnt have so much of a problem, if u think about it wayyy back then people didnt see as many people as we do now. Most people would proabaly live their whole lives only seeing and talking to the people who lived in their village or town, Now adays with the internet and tv, we are proabaly exposed to an entire small nations worth of random people and faces, i bet we dream about random people that weve seen before but not recognize a lot more than people back then before movies and tv and stuff.
[quote name='"Stel"']you can see people in your dreams that you havent seen before (in this life) i was sitting in a circle with my arms around this girl, i still remember her face and hair, it felt like i knew her for ever and when i woke up i was confused! i remember a lot of my dreams but this one i could remember the feelings i had[/quote] Iv had a couple of those, their so confusing.