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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SmotPoker29, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. [ame=]A Poem About Weed by Official P4CM Poet Jackie Hill - YouTube[/ame]

    my friend showed me this video while we were smoking in her apartment. we cant agree whether this girl is really pro-weed or anti-weed. i say she's anti-weed.

    anyway, watch it. :smoke:
  2. Damn, she and her poem makes me scared :S
  3. She's anti-weed, it's also put on by some Christian group, of course.

    Her t-shirt says all I need to know, "ex-weedhead".
  4. A Christian talking about smoking weed, now thats some fuckin irony.

    Her changing from stuck up stereotypical stoner to aggressive evangelical is really annoying.

    She needs to chill the fuck out and smoke a fuckin joint.

  5. Its funny because I'm a Christian, and the way I read the Bible. Marijuana is a plant we're all meant to enjoy :p
  6. lol she compared pot to child molesters

  7. RIGHT? Theres something gross about people who used to smoke weed and are now against it, like they are a better person for quitting and are allowed to shit on people who still enjoy it.
  8. its hard to tell but im thinking shes pro medical marijuana
    but anti weed as a relaxant....
    still hard to say if shes more of one or the other
  9. It's funny because I've heard people use this same rhetorical structure in poems about the horror of the Great Crusades..

    Organized religion, and Christianity for that matter, has been responsible for more deaths than Heroin.

  10. According to the bible, more people have come back from the dead, than weed ever made dead.
  11. 'everytime you take a puff of me you get greedy'....

    I don't think so lady.
  12. [quote name='"SmotPoker29"']Video Link:

    my friend showed me this video while we were smoking in her apartment. we cant agree whether this girl is really pro-weed or anti-weed. i say she's anti-weed.

    anyway, watch it. :smoke:

    She's both, she tells the pros and cons about weed from her perspective. Poetry at its finest I enjoyed it.
  13. how about the part where she says something about "you take a puff of me and im with you for 20-30min". lmao, when i watched this, i was smoking a joint that had me high for well over an hour. fuck type of weed was she smoking?
  14. Its not our fault she couldnt handle weed.

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