ah i found the milk hiding, the first pic is actually a vid, click it and see. still i've seen more milk in my days, you should get some real milk up and that bonggg
sorry didnt tell ya bout the first ones the vid and it was jus my lil tenth ice pinch thats all it takes but todays my day off so i may pack my big ip up for yall
ok packed the big bowl click the pic its a vid so that hit was like 6/10ths the pack i didnt finnish the bowl sat it down for later super blazed
it is 16 inches tall its got a gmd sh diffy on the way to its also a 18/14 i jus got a new tube from a friend who was low on cash its 18/18 but i dont got any 18 slides
my GMD shdiffy came in today my tube jus got alot smother and it perrrrrs very smoth im very very very pleased )
the bubbles just brush up on the walls.(0:10 into the vid) [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFXX_as4qeY]YouTube - SYN MOLINO HEFE 1[/ame] lovin it!
its not and the stock syn diffy had a restrictor ring once i changed over t my GMD showhead crazy zero drag. darkclouds is using pretty high water levels it seems. i did take a milk vid last night got high forgot to post it ahah i dont normally use my a/c it add way more drag than i want and filter a lil to much taste but once its on there from smooth to silk hits haha and yes i love that my syn is from nc bc that where im from
yes i love how they do that on mine to how do you fill your tube up? i learned this neat trick with perc'd tubes 1 get a glass of water i like luke warm 2 sit bong on table 3 take out diffy 4 pour water in top fill up tube 5 water drops from top to bottom fillin perc perfect amount and in the base adjust as needed for your diffy i like just above slit a lilbit when u get used to this method you can fill it perfect with little to no ajustment in the base also sweet slide