Miles Davis

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by kcme, Dec 26, 2003.

  1. Anyone else a fan?

    For a good intro check out Kind of Blue and when you get high as a kite check out Bitches Brew - that scared the shit out of me when i first heard it.

    theres just sooo much miles out there that is incredible
  2. Yeah, Miles Davis is cool...I kinda like all sorts of Jazz. Just bought myself a Django Reinhardt an a John Coltrain cd for christmas (can't rely on my parents' taste, so I bought'em myself)
  3. Oh yeah. What I want to know is who doesn't like Jazz?

    Miles Davis and John Coltrain are my favorites.
  4. the first miles davis that i heard was bitches brew. i thought it was kinda intence at first...little to crazy and spontanious. later i listend to kind of blue and really liked the album. listening to kind of blue while stoned is the most relaxing. it good to take a change from trippy rock, and music with lyrics. jazz is a whole different world, i have only gotten skin deep in it, but i like it.

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