Might be going to jail for fraud

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Derrick14, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. So, I might be going to jail for fraud. Im not sure, im posting this to see what my fellow blades think about the situation.

    Almost a week ago my buddy went to his bank, deposited a fake envelope, and took $200 cash back. That was not his money.
    My younger sister (A minor) Did the same except took $100.
    And then I did it because Im retarded and took $80.

    My younger sister is at the bank to see what is gonna happen to her right now, she is a minor so I guess if she gets arrested Im goin to jail for sure, but I think I might just have to repay the $80
    I had $20 in my account so I guess I only really owe $60. Not a big deal, but still fraud.

    What do you think?
  2. So wait, you deposited (or your Buddy) Fake money in an envelope? To withdraw real?

    You don't just drop an "envelope" empty off at a bank, then somehow get money for it.

    There's more to this, is there not?
  3. Is envelope slang for check or something??
  4. sorry i worded wrong
    I put a fake check into an envelope to deposit into an atm. And took $80 cash back
  5. No.

    He went to the atm and put a blank envelope in and put in the computer that he deposited a check. Then withdrew before they could see the envelope was empty.

    Get it?
  6. Oh shit it was a fake check?

    That's definitely fraud, the other thing was fraud to but the fake check on top is pretty bad.
  7. Sounds like you hoped on the wrong band wagon
  8. ^Then thats straight up dumb..
    I just would've invested in fake currency.
  9. so you defrauded the bank of eighty dollars.

    I really doubt that you'll go to prison over such a small amount. If its under $500 then it's considered petty theft. But then again I think that sort of fraud (checking fraud?) is considered a felony at any sum but then I'm not sure.

    Even if you do get charged with a felony I seriously doubt you'll go to prison over eighty dollars.
  10. derp derp
  11. Checking fraud is no joke.

    People have gone to jail over less, weather he'll actually go and spend time in a prison for a first offense is questionable. The possibility of him being arrested if he goes back into the bank, notsomuch.
  12. I would first offer to pay what you stole from them if they will drop the charges. This isn't a joke.
  13. Banks are no longer gonna work with you. Your credit is fucked. You're probably gonna catch a misdemeanor larceny charge.

    Jus sayin.

    edit- and Call, and talk to the bank about what Whiskey just said. ...dont forget to HOPE AND PRAY. religious or not....
  14. This could definitely work. Better to call and ask first than just to go in. Better safe than sorry.
  15. That is definitely a felony... Your court fees(local, state) will be over $80.. This is by far one of the most unintelligent things I have ever heard.
  16. What the fuck did y'all think was going to happen? The bank would let this slip?
  17. idc what the outcome is, I just want to know what you guys will think will happen :)
  18. I hope you get locked up for being so stupid.

  19. I think you are (check all that apply);

    • far to young to be on these forums, way underage...
    • an idiot that has no business being left alone while on the internet
    • a wealthy inbred hillbilly
    • legally brain dead
    • ready for recycling (soylent green ring a bell?...)
    • stupid and deserve what is coming...
    • trollolllolling along...

    really, what intelligent adult would do this...and NOT think it was fraud, stealing, theft, WRONG...it was childish at best, just F'ing stupid and painful at the worst IF you are 18+...

    Hope you enjoy your roommates for the next few months...

  20. How did you fake a check?

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