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Mids or Dank?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by smoking515, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. #1 smoking515, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2012
    Ok so i bought this bud and it has a weird smell,kinda midsish. It is a little wetter then some bud but still very smokeable, and it got me really high off 1 bowl. So what do you think of the buds? heres some pictures:smoking:

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  2. As long as it gets u high ur good :)
  3. Could have a better trim but hey its got pretty good trich coverage! Enjoy!
  4. not mids for most of the usa. but yea the trim is kinda bad but it looks good.
  5. Trim is not the best but it looks pretty dank.
    If it gets you high, then it must be good:smoke:
  6. Definitely some low end dank (MAYBE you could call it high mids... whatever) - no seeds or anything and gets you high? It shouldn't be the same price as well grown buds with a nice trich coverage, but you're not smoking dirt. Around here, (DC area) that might go for eh... 225/oz ish. In the middle of mids and dank prices.
  7. [quote name='"CPiff"']Definitely some low end dank (MAYBE you could call it high mids... whatever) - no seeds or anything and gets you high? It shouldn't be the same price as well grown buds with a nice trich coverage, but you're not smoking dirt. Around here, (DC area) that might go for eh... 225/oz ish. In the middle of mids and dank prices.[/quote]

    I payed 20 for 3 gs, so it was a good deal. One bowl of that to and I was high, and I kinda have a medium tolerance.

    [quote name='"Elechronic"']"What do you think Sarge, do you think this is paraphernalia?" "Well, it does say 'weed loading surface' on it."
  8. Haha it got you high didn't it? :p

    I just got some dank ass shit though, smoking it right now
  9. Some chronic for sure. The resin production on the buds isn't as great as top shelf medical marijuana but it it still some dank. It just looks like a novice grower grew it. But 3gs for 20 is not bad at all. Happy Smoking

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