Middle-Eastern woman stoned to death

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by George Foreman, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Whoever said you can't overdose on marijuana lied.

  2. yo, thats fucked up

  3. Is there any size limits on rocks? I'm so down next time.
  4. oh god i hope this pun hasn't gone to shit like 90% of the other stuff i post here
  5. Must have been some killer shit...
  6. I have a step by step guide on how to do it yourself in the philosophy forum
  7. dude :mad: nah just kidding , but seriosly :mad::laughing:
  8. apparently the first hit was the worst
  9. ahahahahha thats the funniest shit ive heard all dayy!! :hello::wave:

  10. that picture isn't even funny.. you can breath in burning peoples ashes all you want but I'll stick to my weed.
  11. I heard she took a big one straight to the dome.
  12. Pretty sad joke..
  13. Agreed.. Why does this shit have to end up in the real life stories section? I come here to read stories, not this crappy trolling that's been going on all week.
  14. stones are weak, try fire ants, with nothing but your head above the sand.
  15. Fuck.. what movie was that from? Scorpion King? classic bro haha. :cool:

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