Microsoft buys Skype for 8.5 Billion

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by Phamas, May 10, 2011.

  1. #1 Phamas, May 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2011
  2. Oh no, looks like I have to go get used to vent again. I give it a month before they kill it by charging out the ass.

  3. I can't see how else they could possibly profit unless they plan on making a skype phone or some shit.. who knows

    either way sucks for the average skype user like myself I bet
  4. You think Microsoft is really going to screw it up that bad? Granted, I'm not over here holding my breath or anything, but I see some potential after reading that article.

    Obviously Microsoft knows that if they start charging for average service that they are going to lose a ton of users. I think the smartest thing would be to leave the regular service alone, but rebrand it's premium services to businesses. Try and make it the standard in communication. Also by linking (as mentioned as a possibility before the buy) to places like facebook.

    I guess only time will tell how they push on with this...
  5. sucks. how long before it turns to shit? considering microsoft is a multi-billion dollar corporation, and i still can't even talk to anyone on the fucking phone regarding one of their services. shit ass fucks, uninstalling skype now
  6. if i had 8.5 billion dollars. i wouldnt even know what to do with it. id prolly burn it in my huge fireplace
  7. I could see either time limits, or getting trolled with "skype points" just like on live :(.
  8. Who says theyll charge for it? They already have a shit ton of money from everything else. Notice how they dont charge for WLM either.
  9. 8.5 billion in cash.. that's a shitload of cash
  10. think of how much space cash that would be :drool:
  11. Not to Microsoft.

    If anything like Chocobo said, they'll keep a free installment but they're going to make all that money back one way or another.
  12. I almost wonder if the purpose in buying it was so they could implement some sort of skype shit with the kinect

  13. Well when you're Microsoft you can do shit like that ><

  14. Yea, i was thinking, why doesnt MS just make its own video shit, then i realized how many more people would be turned on by "Kinect, now featuring skype" over "Kinect, now with video chat" hahahahah along with a bunch of other reasons why they would want to buy it, but MS owns too much shit now....

  15. Exactly... whatever happened to monopolies being illegal?

  16. They don't control the whole market its not a monopoly. They have competitors

  17. In economics, a monopoly (from Greek monos / μονος (alone or single) + polein / πωλειν (to sell)) exists when a specific individual or an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it.

    They don't have to control the whole market lol...
  18. I don't believe Microsoft is a monopoly. Granted, they have the largest market share, but that lead has been dwindling year after year. I mean just last year, Apple had surpassed Microsoft in profits by nearly a billion dollars. Google remains in control of the search engine industry with an astonishing amount of market share compared to Microsoft's Bing.

    Microsoft just remains in the lead with their OS market share. If you look at a monopoly of controlling more market than the competition, by all means believe it. However, a monopoly in modern terms tends to be a company that controls the majority of a market because of not allowing competition. Microsoft does not stop competition. Otherwise we wouldn't see other companies profiting more, we wouldn't see other companies controlling market share with other products. The fact remains that Microsoft continues to hold the majority of the market because their products are the ones people want to buy.

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