micro skunk#1

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Destroyer1, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. sup all well now here we go.first off i got some skunk #1 seed from an old stoner friend of my dads the guys been growing this same strain for 12 years occasionally he comes around and i get a small bag but this time i told him i wanted seed as well as bud so i hooked up 25 seeds from him nice dark fat seeds.[​IMG]



    so this is them on the germination tray lol not much of one but it works.now first off let me say the reason for the name micro skunk#1 is the fact that i currently have a grow going of poison dwarf autos 1 week above soil.i have just instaled a 1000w hps ballast built by me and also the reflector i built so my grow cab is 3x5 and i have 7 poisons going in 1 gallon bags 24/7 and i have plenty of light to grow some more ,now my plan is to put the skunk in half gallon to 1 1/2 gallon pots basically whatever i could find lieing around i had left over.


    i fuigure my poisons have another week or 2 before they start to flower,and hence the micro skunk the skunk is only going to get to veg for those 1-2 weeks so they will be obviously very small when i put them on 12/12 which ill do when my poisons so sex,so basically i guess the skunk should flower not long after the light change and probably only get big enough to put out 1 main top cola 5-10 grams is what i expect from each skunk so very small but the point is to have a supplemental harvest not long after i harvest my poisons to fill in the gap a little.but it should be interesting to see what the skunk looks like fully flowered being so small so pull up a chair and light one for me lol.http://forum.grasscity.com/groups/auto-growers-association-d389-poison-dwarf-auto-grow.html
  2. *pulls up chair* :wave: :smoking:
  3. its ok i got an ass pad ill be tuned in the whole time lol, plus my babys r jus sittin here watchin with me, theyre doin real good :D thinking about cloning soon and determining these sexes, the less i need to feed the better :smoking: btw awsome job scoring the skunk seeds, if u like it u should consider a momma plant, i love skunk :p catch ya later:wave:
  4. sup sorry its been awhile.but here are the kids,they just hit 4 days old and are growing like crazy.




  5. ok lol so the pots arnt the best i ran out and these were about the right size oh well maybey itll help bulk em up lol.and my little experiment i know youve seen a siamese cat but how bout a siamese skunk lol ,growing theses two together and im going to intertwine them around each other and try to make one big central cola lmao,should be funny at lease lol.



  6. heres a pic of my whole little happy family lol half are poison dwarf autos and half my skunk they really seem to love the high light growing fast as hell they should be big in two weeks when i start to flower them,lol they gonna be funny little shits so small like the autos which is the point really ,later.:wave::D
  7. Awesome stuff bud! *Pulls up chair next to Jbeats420* Skunk #1, classic.
  8. I'm here too, pulling up a sofa! Come join me. :p
  9. way to go D, Lookin good you must be excited with all those babies lyin around. As for the siamese experiment, worst comes to worst ur plants get entangled and die! :eek: lol, well i dont kno exactly wat could happen but i do know a couple things like root tangle, and disease from one plant to another can occur but hey its an experiment it will be interesting to see :cool:
    Were gonna need a 5 peice sectional sofa for this one :smoke:
  10. Lookin' good! I guess I'll join the love-in! Scoot over, Buzz...:D
  11. Loving the grow Destroyer for a first timer you certainly don't do things by half, and if I had a hat I would take it off to you.

    Good luck to you:yay:
  12. hey sup guys.lol scoot over buzz check this vid out .thought id throw something different in the mix ,this songs stuck in my brain cant get rid of it so i thought id pass it on to all of you to enjoy as well lmao.heres some more funny shit .
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWaB4PXCwFU]YouTube - Breaking Benjamin - The Diary of Jane - Music Video[/ame]

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr8y9BVP2e0&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Cop Fail[/ame]

    this looks like the place to be .[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On5nwWJ31zo&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Barney's-Best Coffeeshop In Amsterdam[/ame]

    thanks for the encouragement guys ill post some pics of the skunks in a few days .ill be putting them on 12/12 monday to begin force flowering them ,and well see what happens from there,well later guys.:smoking:
  13. hey everyone thought id get an update in before the work week starts.so my skunk are doing good today there 15 days old and time to start to flower them.so originaly i was going to keep them with my poisons and throw them all into 12/12 but i decided to keep my poisons on the 20/4 schedual to get the max bud i can from them so i decided to build another small box right beside my main grow cab its 2x2x4 and in it i hung my 150w hps plenty of light i think for these little fellers lol so heres a few bad pics of the box lol nothing special but it does the job anyway.




  14. #15 Destroyer1, Jun 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2009
    ok so like i said nothing great but it works.also today was the first feed of nutes my kids got they were starting to yellow out from lack of nitrogen so great timeing here.since im going strait to flower i skipped the veg nutes and gave 1/2 teaspoon superbloom and 1 drop superthrive and 1 teaspoon mollasses to 1 gallon water each recieved 1/2 gallon of mix per pot till runoff.should pick right up in a few days ok so heres a few picks of the little ones it still amazes me how much bigger the autos were at this age you can really see the advantage in the autos when grown together with regular bud ok so heres a few pics and ill update again when i see sex on them later and thanks for stopping by guys.





  15. Lookin' good bro! I don't know if you noticed in my journal that the Diesel was much bigger that the 6 QS auto's. But now Cassie is as big as Diesel Dawn. It will be interesting to see how the auto's stand up next to the regular flowering strain. I just love me some skunk weed, yeah...

    Is it ok with you for me to post some Strawberry Shortcake video's here? Gee thanks, I knew you wouldn't mind. hahahahahahahaha
  16. lmao sure you can post whatever you want girl.sorry about my post i guess im an acquired taste lol .:D
  17. Yo destroyer, another new avvy? Can't say I like this one as much, looks like that Flo Rider twat. Sorry if it's you I take that back.
  18. lol lmao bro sorry but yup that ugly bastard is me lol.:D
  19. Shit sorry dude! :eek: You're not a bad looking chap, all things considered!;)
    How are the plants doing?

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