hey croniccommando how old are you? Im just wondering, edit critter Anyone else out there thats from around here?
Yo im in Detroit right now been living here for 22 years. I have another house in Brighton wich is like next city away from lansing
yeah, me and my roomate (popplefresh) are in detroit. well, actually rochester hills, if you've ever heard of that. we go to college here. but we're both originally from west michigan....
Sweet. Hey, anyone of you peeps from michigan got any good sources....mine are all pretty dry. Not to fret tho...Im growning so in about half a year or so....Oz and Oz's.....Cant wait....Yummmmmm....
Another person giving out their age (well, sorta). Come on man, dont you want to be able to stay at this great place? As for Michigan, a good freind of mine goes there alot cause his dad lives there. As a matter of fact, he is going there tomorroe for four days. He says its a great place, I would like to go there some time.
Michigan is alright it's just the city I live in sucks ass.I leave for the military next month so I'll be happy to finally get out!
Im aware that this is a old ass topic, Deal with it... Im in Ecorse right now, City right next to Detroit and River Rouge. Im from tha D.