Michigan going recreational ?

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Canadian kush smoker, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. Saw on fox news detroit last night that michigan will be going to the poll soon to vote to make michigan a recreational marijuana state. I think its a great idea as im in canada right across from michigan its legal here and will csuse so many problems at the border . So lets hope the votes pass its better for everyone
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Do you know what percentage of votes is needed to pass? It seems there have been multiple votes before, which have failed :/
  3. Im not too sure on that but they were saying percentages last n8ght and they were ahead by about 10 % of the yes votes so ya keep fingers crossed man hope for the best. We all know how good the medicine does its job.
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  4. i would hammer on how much money the taxpayers would save
    by not having to incarcerate all these citizens on minor drug offenses...
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  5. Yep. 50%+ wins the vote. We should be able to get this passed here without much doubt at all. Either way, we're still going to keep smoking.
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