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MI, I think I may Qualify..

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Sparky73, Sep 18, 2009.

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  1. Well I was at a party about 3 weeks ago and met this kid (like 20-23 years old.. not sure) and he had just gotten his MMJ Card. He said he was on a couple different medications that made him feel sick all the time, so the doctors told him to try Marijuana! This is very surprising to me since Michigan just started issuing cards.

    Anyways, back to me. I've been on anti-depressants for about a year now, and I actually am using one that works! It is called Celexa and it works wonders. I still vape quite often as that helps as well.

    I don't really live that healthy of a lifestyle. I usually only eat dinner, so 1 meal a day, and am never really that hungry. I know this isn't healthy for me because I usually also have to get 10-12 hours of sleep to feel rested (which isn't a problem because I seem to ALWAYS get that amount of sleep).

    I was wondering though.. I never had this problem before taking anti-depressants. Could I be eligible for a Mich card? I never have an appetite, I usually have an upset stomach once a day at least which causes me not to eat. Then, I was thinking.. maybe the lack of food means the lack of energy? Could not eating as much as I should cause me to be tired all the time?

    What are my chances on getting a card for this, or is there a different medication that would help? What steps should I take if I want a card? My doctor doesn't seem like someone that would be Pro-MMJ, so I don't think I could just ask straight up. Should I mention it to my family doctor, then try a different doctor that is known for understanding Marijuana a little more?

    I actually have lower back pains all the time too, but have never been checked out due to no insurance. Tips guys? I would love to legally be able to use Marijuana for the right reasons and not have to worry about getting in trouble with the law for it.

    Thanks in Advance!
  2. I'm not trying to get a card for a mental condition. I would like to try and get one for nausea and lack of appetite caused from my other medication.
  3. the consesus is that if your doctor reccomends marijauna then they will not refuse your application as they will not 2nd guess the doctor reccomendation,just make sure you have your paperwork correct and the 100.00 application fee and it should take approx 5 weeks from the day they cash your check.I myself have gotten off 5 dif scripts since I rcd my card and I feel the meds were giving me side effects that I never had before starting the next med so I am much relieved,good luck
  4. Got my doctors note. Just gotta send in the application.

    My conditions have gotten worse since I first posted this thread. I threw my back out so the back pains are more often and a little worse. My nausea never got any better, so that is what I was actually prescribed for, Severe Nausea.

    I'm really excited to get my card and start growing legally! :hello::hello::hello::hello::hello:
  5. Congratulations! Hope to see you in the growers forums. In MI, can you help patients who are unable to grow for themselves? It can be very hard for many severely disabled patients to find a grower.
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