MFLB mods?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by HairlessPotter, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. I'm high as hell right now and bored out of my mind. I was wondering, has anyone tried any modifications on a MFLB?
  2. A Mini medicine bottle bubbler.
  3. Stab a pen through a waterbottle cap with a pen. Then burn a hole at the bottom corner of the water bottle. Put the stem in where u made a whole with the pen. Press battery and suck super slow where u burnt the mouth hole with the mflb mod ever!!!!!!!
  4. I'm gonna have to try these
  5. I know this is an old thread but wow I just tried that water bottle idea, that is pure genius, mad props, Can't believe I didn't think of it.
  6. [quote name='"Jizzabelly"']Stab a pen through a waterbottle cap with a pen. Then burn a hole at the bottom corner of the water bottle. Put the stem in where u made a whole with the pen. Press battery and suck super slow where u burnt the mouth hole with the mflb mod ever!!!!!!![/quote]


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