Message Buffer

Discussion in 'Forum Tech Questions, Problems and Troubleshooting' started by Skyjester, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. When composing a new public forum post, if I change or clear my text, the original text is being retained by your site.

    To reproduce, create a new post, type a few lines of text in, and click on More/Preview. Then change or delete your text (you can even log out entirely after doing so). Now log back in, return to the message entry window and hit Ctrl-F5 (in Firefox) to reload the page from your server.

    Is this the way it's supposed to work? When I abort a message entry screen and it shows clear, should it not be the same on your server?
  2. I just typed something into the reply box, hit the refresh button and it was it should be.

    Then I highlighted it all and clicked on Delete, refreshed the page and it was not there.
  3. Try doing a message preview on your original text.

    Also be sure to use Ctrl+F5 (which forces a server reload of the page), not F5 alone (or your browser's Refresh button if it has one).
  4. I did a message preview and there was nothing there.
  5. Thanks for trying it. I'll look on my end for possible causes (I'm running an ESR version of Firefox and Pale Moon).
  6. RMJL, I'm out of ideas on my end. This problem is with multiple browsers and I'm 99.999% sure is on your end.

    If you're able to log in as my account, please do so and go to this exact address:

    So, America. Let`s Talk SOCIALISM. like adults?

    If you can see the words "PLEASE STOP BUFFERING THIS TEXT" toward the bottom of the page, I entered that text three logins ago, to overwrite even older text that was "stuck" there. I had entered it, and then changed my mind and canceled the message entry entirely. The text simply should not be there and yet it is.
  7. I can't nor would I want to log into your account.

    I'll tag @Lizard King to see what he says about this.

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