
Discussion in 'General' started by XUFCshroomeryX, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. Where does one get there hands on mescaline? this drug intrigues me.
  2. Cactus.. Cactus... Peyote. Google. Buy.
  3. Grows naturally here :).
  4. Motion.... you know what to do.
  5. Peyote have the highest concentrations but San Pedro cacti also have mescaline.
  6. I want some mescaline SO BAD!
  7. ordering one off ebay sometime this week peruvian torch btw not san pedro
  8. ^^^lemme know how that goes, i've been thinking of doing the same for awhile.
  9. if you do find extracted mescaline, i hope your experienced in hallucinagens man. its pretty out there.
  10. Okay, it took me a while to find these in my archives so I hope I get rep ;) :smoking:

    1. Take a 12" to 16" by 3" piece (per one person dose) of San Pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi) and cut it into very thin slices (as if you were slicing bread). Put all of it (skin, spines, everything) into a large stockpot (large stainless steel works very well) and fill with water.
    2. Add lemon juice (not much, just a few ounces) to increase the acidity of the water.
    3. Turn on the heat and bring to a boil. (The Dictionary of Alkaloids lists the melting point of latent mescaline (that is, un-extracted mescaline) as 35 degrees C and the boiling point is around 180 degrees C). So, keep the pot boiling at a temperature below 180 degrees C.
    4. Boil for 8 hours, adding water as necessary.
    5. Filter out the cactus pieces by pouring the water from your stockpot into a receptacle, filtering through a nylon stocking.
    6. If you want to be really thorough, boil the cactus pieces for another hour and repeat step 5, adding the water from the first boiling to the water from the second boiling. Discard the cactus pieces.
    7. Put all the water back into the stockpot. Boil the water (which should be an olive green color) on medium heat down to a greenish-brown tar (this should take from 30 minutes to half an hour).
    8. Scrape all the tar out and put it in a flat baking dish.
    9. Add a small amount of hot water to the remaining tar/residue in the stockpot and boil this down again. Repeat step 8.
    10.\tRepeat step 9 once or twice.
    11. Leave the baking dish out to dry for a day or two.
    12. Place the baking dish in the freezer for one week.
    13. Take the dish out of the freezer and scrape it out. Cut the tar into aspirin sized pieces and swallow with water over the course of half an hour.
    14. Wait for a couple of hours and if nothing happens, you got the wrong cactus.


    According to instructions in Jim Dekorne's "Psychedelic Shamanism," San Pedro can be dried and stored more or less indefinitely in the following way:

    Cut off as much of the cactus as you plan to use, freeze it overnight, thaw it (and save the goo that drips out), cut into chunks and put the chunks in a blender or food processor along with the goo saved from thawing, blend into a very fine green "mush", spread the goo thinly on lots of wax paper, let dry until it's not moist at all (drying in the sun is best), and crumble what's left into a powder or flakes. This eliminates all the water, but preserves the good stuff! Store in a mason jar and seal until ready to prepare. Dekorne estimates that 100 grams of dried San Pedro will yield 300 milligrams pure mescaline.
  11. that was an awesome walkthru man.

    but there's no way thats right man. those proportions dont look correct at all.

    but if they are right, then that supports my idea that the san pedro mesc is not as strong as peyote mesc.

    kinda like comparing schwagg to dank.
  12. That is completely correct, thats why san pedro is legal, because you need to eat so much to trip that the government doesnt even consider it at risk of being abused.

    More like comparing Hemp (1-3%THC) to Dank (14-20%)
  13. oh haha. i just figured that, i never knew if it was really true.

    its still fun, my girlfriend's parents actually have one. you can see where theyve cut it, and you can see two clones growing in the back. i wonder if they know what their doing with them.

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