Anybody smoked these yet? Ive been seein em around for a few months but never picked em up but tired of the reg shit ive been smokin so figure ill try the only swishers i havent, Menthol. Bout to roll one up and see, Smells fuckin rank.
Meh, Its aight. Deff taste the menthol but WOULD NOT smoke these regullarry. Ive been smokin optimo peach/grapes everyday rececntly and swishers peach/grape/strawberry and i dig all those. This menthols killin the flavor of my ganz.
Ya tried them like 4 months ago, they're pretty smooth I didn't mind them but original is alll daaaayyyy.
menthol blunts!? i havent seen those yet! that sounds awsome if youre smokin a middy blunt! it would make it soo much smoother....