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Memory question

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by redhat11, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. #1 redhat11, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2009
    It says 67% memory used.
    The processes added up is no where near 67%.. I listed the 1.whatever memory I have
    Any suggestions?

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  2. Seeing that you have 1 GB it is not uncommon to be at 67% usage. That's about what I am at, unless I just exited a game.

    Your picture says there are 53 running processes, and only 11 are listed. So a lot more memory is tied into those other processes.

    Something else that uses memory is your kernel. Which operating system are you running?
  3. Vista. My laptop is like 2 1/2 - 3 years old. Probably had the first release of vista on it
  4. I run Vista too, my laptops about as old as yours too. Anyways here's what I look at:

  5. Did you click show processes from all users? I usually have a lot more random system processes goin on (on XP). If you have onboard graphics doesn't that use up a chunk of your RAM?
  6. Yes, but shared memory for CPU and GPU is handled on the BIOS level. So if you got say 1gig of RAM, and onboard graphics demand 128mb of the RAM, then the OS will think it only got 896mb of RAM installed.

    As for the OPs memory usage, as others have said, there are more hidden processes that gobble up memory as well. You don't see it all in the process list.

    Also, on Vista, the OS preloads often used files into memory, grabbing what it can and releasing as necessary.
  7. I love using SmartRAM, it monitors and frees up whatever ram it can
  8. Smartfetch is whats doing it, it keeps things you use a lot constantly loaded in the ram, but if you need the space it will free it up
  9. You actually have 53 processes running. It's just not showing them all to you.

    And it doesn't list how much space shared libraries are taking up. They can add up.
  10. You could also run hijack this (free program) and see if there are any programs running that are hidden..
  11. Make sure to disable "start with windows" on any program you dont need, which tends to be a lot: P2P, torrent software, Kodak easyshare, scanner utility etc. The only apps you need to show up in your little dock next to the time is either an app your currently running, or antivirus stuff
  12. You should prolly turn off all the unnecessary Windows Services. It's easy and will help a shit ton.

    Heres what ya do:

    Type "services.msc" under run and click enter.

    Then click on the "service" you want to dissable or what have you.

    Let me find a good list to copy paste.

    • AdobeLM Service: Not all computers have this service, still it is useless, just disable it if you have it.
    • Alerter: Disable this one if you are not on a network because you don't need to receive alerts.
    • Application Management: Set this to manual.
    • Automatic Updates: Disable it if you don't require auto updating and patching of Windows.
    • ClipBook: Disable this if you are not on a network, since you don't need to share anything.
    • Computer Browser: Disable this too if you are not on a network, as you don't need to browse and monitor connected computers.
    • Cryptographic Services: Set this to manual if you are not sure you need it.
    • Distributed Transaction Service: Set this to manual.
    • DNS Client: Set this to manual if you are not on a network.
    • Error Reporting Service: Disable this useless service for reporting errors to Microsoft. After all, it doesn't help you solve the problem.
    • Fast User Switching Compatibility: Disable it if you have only a single user on your computer, or if you do not use fast user switching feature much. That is, if you completely log-off and then allow other users to use your computer, then you do not need this. Note that this service is completely useless for low memory computers.
    • FTP Publishing: Disable this if you do not use FTP.
    • Help and Support: Set it to manual or turn it off if you do not use the help feature often.
    • HTTP SSL: Set it to manual.
    • Human Interface Device Access: Turn it off if you do not use hot-keys or remote systems on your computer; if you use them sometimes, it is better turn it to manual.
    • IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service: Set this to manual to save memory and time. Do not turn it to disabled if you have a CD writer or a DVD writer attached to your computer.
    • Indexing Service: Turn it off, it uses lots of CPU
    • InstallDriver Table Manager: Disable it.
    • IPSEC Services: Set this to manual.
    • Windows Messenger: Disable this if you are not on a network, it uses too much memory and it is a hog. Use Gaim instead.
    • MS Software Shadow Copy Provider: Set this to manual.
    • Net Logon: Disable if you are not on a network.
    • NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing: Disable this if you do not use Remote Desktop feature.
    • Network Provisioning Service: Disable this, it's useless if you are not on a network.
    • NT LM Security Support Provider: Disable this, its useless too.
    • NVIDIA Display Driver Service: If you do not use the features of nVidia Desktop, this service must be disabled; it is a big hog of memory.
    • Office Source Engine: Disable it if you have a MS Office CD handy always, its helpful if your installation goes corrupt.
    • Portable Media Serial Number Service: Set it to manual if you connect portable media to your computer, otherwise disable it.
    • Print Spooler: Disable it if you don't have a printer.
    • Protected Storage: Disable it if you don't allow strangers to sit on your encrypted storage computer.
    • Remote Desktop Help Session Manager: Disable it if you don't use Remote Desktop feature for help and support from Microsoft. You don't get support from Microsoft usually anyways.
    • Remote Procedure Call Locator: Set it to manual.
    • Remote Registry: Serious security threat if turned on, disable it now!
    • Removable Storage: Disable it if you don't use removable storage drives, else turn it manual.
    • Routing and Remote Access: Set it to manual.
    • Secondary Logon: Useless feature for most, disable it or turn it manual.
    • Security Accounts Manager: Disable it, it's pretty useless, unless you use NTFS Encryption.
    • Security Center: Damn useless and irritating feature. Disable it as soon as you can!
    • Server: Set it to manual or disable it if you are not on network.
    • Smart Card: Disable it. Seriously who uses smart cards for their home computers?
    • SSDP Discovery Service: Disable it of not on network or don't have UPnP devices on home networks.
    • TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper: Set it to manual if on network, otherwise disable it.
    • Telnet: Set it to manual if you use this feature, otherwise disable it, especially if you are home users.
    • Terminal Services: Since you aren't using Remote Desktop etc… disable it for good.
    • Uninterrupted Power Supply: Disable it if you don't have an UPS attached to the serial port of your computer.
    • Universal Plug and Play Device Host: Set it to manual.
    • User Privilege Service: Set it to manual.
    • Volume Shadow Copy: Disable it if you don't backup using System Restore or Windows Backup. I recommend Ghost.
    • Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS): Disable this if you have another firewall such as Norton or Zone Alarm installed, otherwise let it remain ON for better security.
    • Windows Image Acquisition (WIA): If you don't connect/use a camera/scanner with your computer, disable this service, else set it to manual.
    • Windows Media Connect: Disable this if you don't use things such as an iPod etc… for your Windows Media Player.
    • Windows Media Connect (WMC) Helper: Disable this if you disabled the one above or if you don't need help.
    • Windows Time: Disable if not on a synchronized network.
    • Wireless Zero Configuration: Disable if not on a wireless network.
    • WMI Performance Adapters: Disable it, useless service for basic usage.
    • Workstation: Disable if you aren't on a network. Or simply, if you are a gamer, just shut this one.

    That should help out alot.


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