Megan Fox spends her days off... pretty much like us, GC!

Discussion in 'General' started by Braves4590, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. i'd fuck her
  2. I would drag my balls threw a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart on the other end of a Wakie-Talkie. :D
  3. I'd blaze with her. Then fuck her. Not necessarily in that order, and not necessarily just once.

    edit - because her thumbs are something that you'd be paying attention to if she were naked on your bed with a bong?
  4. hahahahahahaahahaaaa
  5. Toe thumb oh god

  6. ?????????????
  7. Imagine that toe thumb scraping up and down on the side of your penis.


    No thanks.
  8. ooooohhhhhhhhooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  9. Why god why???? Did you show me that!!!! Ewwwwww!
  10. really, i couldnt give a fuck less about her thumbs
  11. Are you guys that fucking shallow??? This is probably the most perfect girl on this planet and you're complaining about a fucking thumb. Jesus Christ what is wrong with people these days.
  12. Seriously. As if, in real life, anybody here who had the slightest chance to do her would turn her down cuz of some slightly misshapen thumbs :rolleyes:
  13. ok, let's sum this thread up for those just entering... Megan Fox smokes weed, and several horny stoners are willing to fuck her... oh and it seems her thumbs are... erm... different?

    I hope she's gay (not so I could fuck her, so you boys cant) muahahaha
  14. #17 full melt, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    Who cares if Megan Fox has toe thumbs, she helped save the world from the decepticons.

    Show some fucking respect.
  15. No, her bitchy shenanigans and distractions just made it all the more likely that the decepticons would win the war.

    She directly caused more human casualties than necessary!

    She also cakes on a metric ton of makeup every time she goes out, used to cut herself and had eating disorders. Oh, and she's a shitty actress. She belongs in some second-rate daytime soap, not in blockbuster movies.


  16. damn, someone is channeling their anger into a successful movie star they don't know. :hide:
  17. [​IMG]

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