Meeting with Helius

Discussion in 'General' started by Mindgnome, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. I thought I would document this, as it was quite amazing. I decided to smoke the last of the dmt I had in a vial today. I didn't bother measuring it out, because it looked like a normal dosage. I put it in my makeshift glass pipe, and inhaled three or maybe four times. I didn't know whether to be freaked the fuck out, or what. Because I was immediately in a way different place. This was within what seemed to be fractions of a second. The first thing I saw was a silhouette of a figure with a trident. Honestly, before this my ego was way too big. I thought I could handle a bad trip if that rare occasion arose. The figure hurled the trident at my chest. This happened, and I died. I fell through a hole in the environment that didn't even exist. My soul just plunged into this huge picture that didn't make any sense. I could read the patterns, and I could hear fractals. I could taste color. I had no idea what to make of this, none of it was cohesive. My soul was absorbed with the pattens feeding them energy. It is just way to much to try to dig for the memories of the experience. It is so confusing. The patterns formed one single triangle, which formed one single person, which formed my ego, which folded in on itself. I came down, and haven't talked until tonight.

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