Media blackout of first Korean American woman in Congress.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tbone Shuffle, Nov 9, 2018.

  1. I think they're being called way too early before the votes are even counted. How they can still be counting at this stage though is bizarre.
  2. The right completely misunderstands why the left hates trump, and that causes the right to hate the left. I use the word "hate" by design.

    The left believes that trump is the biggest liar ever to be president, that he shamelessly lines his pockets at US expense, that he enacts policies that are harmful to the world, and many, many other things. The left also believes it can produce videos and Mueller indictments to back up their beliefs. It's this perceived immorality that bother liberals.

    It's ok for the right to strongly disagree with what liberals perceive as fact-based opinions, but the right needs to understand that the left is morally outraged, and that's what drives their anger.

    But trump and his allies deny this, and say that they are being wrongly and viciously attacked by despicable, soros-led libtards for their dishonest political reasons.
    This is amplified by fox, whose viewers are reluctant to watch anything else, because the mainstream media that has helped keep our democracy safe for almost 300 years is "fake news".

    The only point of the video is to show trump saying one thing a few weeks ago, and then the opposite thing recently. It's not to tout the virtues of any libtard newscaster, and the relevant part of the video is the first 90 seconds.

    Only when left and right can agree on what is really true can basic human decency toward the opposition kick in.
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  3. Yup only the left plays identity politics. Dave Rubin “as a gay man”, Candace Owens “as a black woman”, Ayan Hirsi Ali “as a former Muslim.” We need to protect our Anglo Saxon culture from hordes of invading foreigners. Steve king “Our civilization can’t be restored with someone else’s babies.” Donald trump “It’s a scary time for young men in America... They’re under attack.” The constant haranguing about not being able to say merry Christmas or having constant public displays of religion. Constant complaining about affirmative action and pretending white males are the biggest victims of prejudice. The GOP constantly makes appeals to identity politics it just happens to be an identity that you share.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. The moral outrage part is interesting. Moral outrage is anger over someone doing something terrible to another person. We are simply outraged when they do it to us, not morally outraged. So what is the left morally outraged over regarding Trump? What is Trump doing to others that disturbs you liberals so much? Wanting a wall to maintain a secure orderly border? (The Mexicans are now wishing they had a wall on their southern border, don't tell me they don't like Latinos either) Are you morally outraged over Trump continuing to sell arms to the Saudis since it looks as if the Crown Prince ordered the hit? Are you as outraged at China's human rights abuses and their state sponsored murder, outraged enough to stop trade with them?

    What really disturbs you about Trump in my opinion is that you think you are better than he is yet he keeps winning anyway. In your heart you must know the Russian collusion thing is just plain silly yet you still think Mueller is going to find some kind of connection and that's why he beat Hillary, that must be terribly conflicting. Which is at the root of your dislike, Trump beat Hillary when everyone said he couldn't and the only reason you have for that is that he cheated somehow and he seems to be getting away with it. If I thought that it would make me mad, too.
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  5. #airjordanpeterson dunk.jpg
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. #26 VikingToker, Dec 2, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
    These examples are all completely valid. I can explain their genesis to you, in the spirit of bnkarnaze's good post above:

    These are all reactions to the left's now-defeated race outrage. These Dave "as a gay man" Rubin terms are used because the left was, for a time, completely head over heels obsessed with which identity faction you were part of, with bonus points for blacks, women, gays, Muslims, etc. This is the reason I often remind people that I'm speaking "as a genuine social democrat", because, as you've seen Green Wizard do, for instance (and thank you for correcting him), if you don't specify, people who disagree with you are quick to place a label on you. I'm slandered as right-wing, for instance, which means I'm the enemy, which means you don't have to take my critique as anything other than enemy propaganda. If I critique Islam, it's very easy to wash me aside as a racist/bigot/islamophobe - this is why Ayaan H. Ali says "as a former Muslim", to demonstrate that she has real-life experience with this that places her in the left wing victim hierarchy as an insider.
    Insider critique is always worse. Hence, "as a gay man" (so don't try to use the dirty trick of disqualifying my statements with the 'he's just a homophobe[so you can ignore him]'). As a black man, as a left-winger, as a muslim, etc.

    I know it's preferable to forget it, but for a time, the US left was insistently, consistently, and aggressively looking to pick a fight with the white skincolor, especially the male gender part of it, regardless of details. There was an inferno of it, pure race-driven anger and obsession, for an enduring time, the consequences of which you're still dealing with.
    I think, as you yourself have realized, that identity politics is destructive for your faction, and only causes division. If the right wants to do it, let them do it. They will lose for it, just as the US left did against Trump.

    I haven't heard someone significant say white privilege in a long time now and that's a massive improvement.
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  7. #27 VikingToker, Dec 2, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
    I think this a good post, and I agree with it. I think that you can replace fox news with MSNBC and right with left, here, and make just as valid a point.

    From an outsiders perspective, it's become increasingly difficult to tell the difference between the fiercely anti-trump and fiercely pro-Trump faction. Of course, one is against Trump and the other for, but when it comes down to how they behave, how they treat people, how they treat reality and especially their ability to view their own political factions errors is inseparable now. This partisanship goes to the level of dehumanizing the opposite side, and often wishing to include anyone in between as either "with us or against us", and treating them accordingly. Which, in turn, make people flock to a cause, which, in turn, makes the whole thing worse. I don't like Trump, for example, but I have a ton of sympathy for him and his supporters by way of how aggressively the anti-Trump people behave, and justify themselves.

    Both sides deny realities that go against their faction's codex, if there was bad news for the enemy they cheer, bad news for them they deny it. Regardless of the reality at hand. This kind of behavior - completely lacking in empathy or bipartisanship, as you point out - is an evil circle, constantly making people harder and harder to talk to about things they don't want to hear. It hardens people to their team.

    I think this is extremely difficult to break through. It's beyond clear that a radicalization of both sides has happened in the last half a decade.

    How can we enforce a sense of citizenship and national unity that supersedes red vs. blue faction infighting?
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  8. In my opinion, nothing gets better until the people that spied on there political opponent using the power of the government to do so get punished. Until then there will be no trust in our laws or politics ever again. If nobody gets punished I see no way for the healing to begin.

    The swamp needs flushed, and then and only then do we start healing.imo
  9. Live by moral outrage, die by moral outrage. Everything Trump does or has done is also being done by Democrats. Here's an interesting take on moral outrage, it says moral outrage is a tactic to ease one's own guilt or to assure ourselves of our moral superiority. It's just one article out of many saying something similar.
    Moral Outrage Is Self-Serving, Say Psychologists Read it and see if it you don't hear the ring of truth
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. "[the research showed that]outgroup-directed moral outrage can be elicited in response to perceived threats to the ingroup's moral status[...]"

    Seen this one a lot
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