May I present to you... PHILLY hardcore...

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by IGotTheCottons, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. This is some of Philly's finest.... Or should I say most violent music... Hope you all enjoy...

    PS, When the one guy's all like "Just shut the fuck up right now... I'll kick all your asses right now..." That's the band Punishment (the guy saying it is their lead singer)... I was there.. A further ahead in line. Shit cracked me the fuck up, lol. God I love Philly... Bunch of crazy ass motherfuckers...

    EDIT: if you notice in the beginning of this video, there's a building on fire... That was when they (Bad Luck 13) burned down the place they played in (I wasn't at that show, :()... The piggies were after them for such charges as: Causing a Catastrophe, lolol...

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  2. And another... More Bad Luck 13...

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    EDIT: Those metal things you see them swinging around and hitting each other with are aluminum baseball bats that are wrapped in barbed wire... Look closely :D
  3. i was down in north philly last night drinkin with my good friends and shit and when we left around 2 or 3 am we saw a car doused with gasoline burning the fuck up.. its wild round here.
  4. LoL... It's like... 2 steps short of complete anarchy around here. I love it :D
  5. I don't live that far from philly, what neighborhoods? I'm always at the ghetto part.
  6. LoL... That narrows it down... Almost all of Philly is the ghetto. Only good neighborhoods, really, are center city and parts of NE...

    I used to go down North Philly all the time to buy trees and shit. I spent most my time around Germantown, 7th and Mayfield/Clearfield, Steel Street (out near Diamond), 5th and Indy, or 8th and Cambria (they have some FAT ass bags there, kinda hard to find, though)...

    Goin to shows, I was always down in South Philly -- Mostly the Troc. and the Electric Factory.
  7. ...Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza is one rediculous band. Some of my friends saw their "last" show at Hellfest one year, and they said it was the most terrified they had ever been.
  8. They're crazy. They even tone it down for Hellfest... Their most violent shit is when they play abandoned warehouses and shit in the city... They changed their name to The Homicidals -- mostly so they could get shows again. No one wanted to have BL13 play, 'cause they didn't want their venue destroyed...
  9. I went to a hardcore show in Philly at the Trocadero Theater...Wasn't that crazy :(

    Neighbourhood was sketchy though. Never had a doorman for such a small show come at me with a metal detector before.
  10. The Troc's had some wild shows, but nothin like anything in that video... The ones in those videos are underground shows, mostly in abandoned warehouses and shit...

    I saw Unearth, Shai Hulud, and Zao at the Troc. and it was fuckin insane. But that was a pretty long time ago. The scene isn't quite what it used to be back in the late 90's into the early 2000's
  11. I saw Scars for Tomorrow, Unearth, Norma Jean, and Atreyu at Water Street Music Hall in Rochester, NY and it was insane. It was definitely the most hardcore shit in one place I have ever seen.
  12. I don't remember even hearing about this show,but it must've been sick.Water Street can get pretty crazy.
  13. gg allin would be proud
  14. RIC hardcore kicks all other hardcore's ass.

    Strike Anywhere
    Avail/Smoke or Fire
    Deist Requiem
  15. RIC???

    Philly hardcore owns all man... All Else Fails, Punishment, The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza... Show me ONE band that owns BL13... I dare ya :D :p

  16. Zao was at the show I saw! They were the wildest by far. Philly is one of the places I wish I had a chance to explore more when I was in the area. It was a bit of a drive from DC though...only made it out the once.
  17. haha ain't nothin' but a little hometown pride cottons. RIC = Richmond Va.

    Seriously though, you should at least check out Strike Anywhere.
  18. I was mainly just askin what RIC was... I figured it was a city, but never saw the abbreviation before :) Ain't no thang. Always gotta rep the hometown :D

    I'm always willing to check out new music... Specially if it's of the harder persuasion. Thanks for the recommendations :D :gc_rocks:

    You ever hear of August Burns Red, or I Killed The Prom Queen?
  19. Yeah I've heard August Burns Red they're pretty tight.

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