Math eqation

Discussion in 'General' started by deadhead, Apr 11, 2002.

  1. Am I wrong? Can it be proven or disproven?

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  2. Say all those variables are would be true but I don't see how it would apply to that triangle. Possibly a equalateral.
  3. Sorry man, doesnt work...
    if i wasnt soooo stoned I would elaborate
  4. i should also state that i didnt come up wth the formula. i just wrote the red part
  5. It's strange how sometimes things in my life go along with what's going on in the forums...I just watched the movie Pi last night.

    1.) Mathematics is the language of nature.

    2.) Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers.

    3.) If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge...therefore there are patterns everywhere in nature.

    • The cycling of disease epidemics
    • The wax and wan of caribou populations.
    • Sunspot cycles, rise and fall of the Nile...

    So what about the stock market?

    This movie was so messed would've been a lot better in color.

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  6. that does not give u the other 2 sides...that equasion (a²+b²=c²) is called the pygathagian theorum. it's not ment to be used when u have only 1 side. if u have 2 sides of a right triangle it lets u find the third. it is used in advanced algebra to prove stuff but that was 2 years ago so i already forgot it all :S

    summary: that equasion works but u need 2 sides
  7. From the book:

    The Pythagorean theorem, an important theorem pertainin to right triangles, can also serve as a guideline for solving certain types of problems. The Pythagorean theorem states that in any right triangle, the square of the longest side (called the hypotenuse) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides (called legs).

    We're studying this section right now in Elementary Algebra at the community college.:smoke:
  8. No, you can't find sides a and b using only one given side (i.e., x). This is simply because you will end up with two variables in the equation, and you will be unable to solve the problem unless you have more info. The only time there would be an exception would be in the case of a 45-45-90 triangle, because then obviously a=b, so you really would have one variable.


    Given that x = 5

    a^2 + b^2 = 25

    sqroot(a^2 + b^2) = 25

    If a does not equal b you can't go any farther unless you are given more info (like if you are given a similar triangle's sides, or some relationship between a and b etc.) The only way to solve an equation with two variables is to use two *different* equations and substitute/eliminate.

    Hopefully that makes sense and the joint I just smoked didn't cloud my judgement too much. (Can you tell I used to be a math teaching asst for the honors program at my university? Hehheh.)
  9. Oh, and the Pythagorean Theorem is NOT an advanced algebra topic.....its something you should have learned in the 7th grade or earlier. ;)

    And uh...Philly...lay off the crack rock! 1 + 1 = 1 ? I don't think so! :D (Incidentally, if you think about it, you can't have all even sides in a right triangle, because then it would be a 60-60-60 equilateral triangle, which you couldn't apply pythagorean formula to.)

    Okay, sorry....explaining this stuff was my job for 3 years.
  10. u need to know X or it would come out as x^2/2 and thats as far as you could go because both .5's cancel eachother out.....
  11., NO. What x equals is not what the original question was asking for. It's saying x would be GIVEN. What the question asks is if it is possible to find a and b, GIVEN that x is any number.

    You're not solving for x.

    And what is this dividing by .5 business all about? Ack!
  12. Forgive me if i am wrong/repeat myself. You can find the length of a side if you only have one side but you need to know the (inside) angle of one of the corners (not the right angled one!). Triganomatry.

    If you want to use pythag then u do need two sides.

    Pythag is advanced?
  13. w'll im horribly wrong and stoopid so ill stop talkin now...:D

  14. maybe it's not...i havent payed attention in math for a couple years....kinda suprizing i made it to calculus huh?

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