Mat Larson appreciation thread

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NasaJoe, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. #1 NasaJoe, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2013
    Mat Larson is great.. He has been on AVTM and he is ideologically aligned (imho) with most liberty lovers.. it intrigues me he is not more popular..

    Here is a recent one that has to do with the recent fiscal cliff deal adding $4Trillion to the national debt..

  2. Your thread title is misspelled. ;)

  3. Good call! Fxd
  4. He's pretty coo. Lost his campaign to run in his city I believe. Got second though, out of 4? He'll be trying to get in I'm sure.
  5. [ame=]Rand Paul Did NOT Flip Flop On His Stance On Drones - YouTube[/ame]

    First Adam, now Larson? This whole Rand Paul apologetic nonsense is getting over the top. All the more mainstream "Ron Paul" liberty movement leaders are also pretty gung hoe Rand Paul and its beginning to get creepy.
  6. Adams argument is that we support Rand when hes right and point out when hes wrong. Adam has been leaning toward not splitting the freedom movement as much as he use to. The goal is to attract as many people toward the bells of liberty (even though rand would be a very quiet and small liberty bell) and to eventually lead them toward stefan molyenux and other voluntarist.
  7. I've never seen Rand flip on anything. He's consistent. Imo people who think that just never understood Rand in the first place. My opinion on Rand really hasn't changed much at all since he first ran for Senate years ago.

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