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Massive Headache/Hangover?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by qazdawg, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. #1 qazdawg, Mar 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2012
    A little background information for you to help me fix my problem:
    I didn't smoke and seeds or stems - I have a grinder
    I smoked out of a waterfall bong
    I have little to no tolerance for weed
    I smoked 2 bowls, usually takes me 1 to get flying
    It was dank weed, so don't say its the weed.
    I drank 2+ bottles of water
    I ate a lot
    I slept during my high/after
    After waking up from my nap, I was extremely hot and sweaty

    I took a nap halfway into my high (parents came home, needed an excuse not to talk/associate with them so that they wouldn't know that I was blazed).
    I woke up from that nap with the BIGGEST HEADACHE EVER. So I drank water and ate, and watched some TV, only to fall asleep with the same headache.
    I then woke up for school with a sort of "hangover" feeling.
    Still feeling it, sucks, small headache and droopy mood.


    tl;dr- I smoked, slept, and woke with a headache.
    This feeling is actually so bad that I don't even want to smoke today.
  2. Hmm, and you're sure no seeds snuck into your bowls? No popping/crackling sound?

  3. I'm very positive, what I'm smoking is straight bud and is very dank, so I shouldn't worry about seeds, but all of the stems were caught in my grinder.
  4. it kinda sounds like you just outdid yourself a little bit. The higher you get, the harder you plummet
  5. [quote name='"qazdawg"']

    I'm very positive, what I'm smoking is straight bud and is very dank, so I shouldn't worry about seeds, but all of the stems were caught in my grinder.[/quote]

    I can't think of anything that would cause such a bad headache, then. Maybe it was a migraine? Maybe someone hit you in the head while you were asleep? Just a couple suggestions. :confused_2:
  6. Maybe stems?
  7. yup, you got high.
  8. Maybe your weed was laced. Or the headache could be totally unrelated.
  9. Got really high. As a side note, even the smaller stems some dank has attached won't give you a headache (at least doesn't give me one)

    But yea I feel you, same thing happened to me, just with alot more weed (last night)
  10. Generally, if I get myself high enough to pass out from it, I feel groggy/"hungover" (but its not really a hangover, if you've gotten wasted you know what an actual hangover feels like) for like an hour when i wake up. Try exercising for a couple minutes and taking a shower.. Your body might just be half asleep?

  11. I showered once I woke up, but I'll try to do a bit of exercise and tell you the results.

    This feeling is actually so bad that I don't even WANT to smoke more weed.
  12. Send me your weed then I'll take care of it for you.

  13. haha definitely sounds like you just toked a little too hard for your tolerance. No worries man, just stick to what gets you appropriately high.. No need to be a cosmonaut when it comes to the herb. That's what the psychedelics are for ;)
  14. doesnt seem like a great idea to sleep when you're super high, sounds like you took a nap during the peak.

  15. Considering the fact that I could barely walk to my bed and I can't remember any dreams and waking up extremely sweaty, that is possible. Would that give me a headache though?

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