
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by AshleyElle, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. Hey Everyone!! I'm Ashley, I just thought I'd say "hey." I doubt anyone really cares, but I thought I'd give an introduction a shot.

    :) :smoke:

  2. Welcome! Always good to see another MD chick on gc :wave:
  3. Frederick County here!
  4. Welcome to the city, Ashley. Hope ya stick around.
  5. I'm from fredrick county too kid who said that pm me or something
  6. Baltimore area, randallstown area
  7. Welcome to the city, I'm also from Maryland!
  8. Welcome to the city, hope u stay around for a while
    Arlington Virgina is where im from
  9. HoCo represent.

    Lots of Marylanders on the board, too.

    Nice to meet you.
  10. glen burnie for me.
  11. Thanks for the welcome :)

    I'm from Prince George's. :wave:
  12. Welcome

    I live in Gaithersburg. Frederick, PG, and howard are pretty close.
  13. I too is from Murdaland, hollering from the R-ville, aka MOCO. FUCK THE POLICE.
  14. Burtonsville baby! but i was in PG for a loooong time. 4 years long. can ya guess where? that's right college park, holla!
  15. md for me as well :)
  16. anyone here go to UMD? college park

  17. I go to PGCC, but I'm close to the UMD college park campus.
  18. If your lookin for kids who blaze at UMD i got like 6 friends there that all blaze.
  19. UMD has the largest NORML chapter of any University. I doubt anyone will have trouble finding some stoners, haha.

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