martial arts?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by dirtydingusus, Apr 3, 2006.

  1. ok so i put this in the box ...becouse it has nothing to do with pot except i do it wile im high....

    any one elts here study karate?

    or any kind of fighting?

    or am i the only stoner who works out regularly?

    i'll talk about what i study if anyone is interested...
  2. i don't do martial arts, but i do workout ever workout or practice martial arts high?
  3. im the same as TINR

    i work out daily(cardio shit) and lift every other day

    i wish i had been brought up under some kind of karate though, it would be sweet to be able to fight like that
  4. yeah i was close to taking kung-fu in high school, but my mom couldn't make the drive across town every day :(
  5. i would totally love to do martial arts if i started when i was a kid :(
  6. i took karate in middle school, and for the last two years i was doing brazilian ju jitsu, it was fucking amazing. now i just bar fight haha
  7. ti-qwan- do for ten years

    ju-jitsu for four (my favorite : the art of breaking bones)
  8. sorry it took me awile to get back..i been working out of town...

    of corse i work out high? i do everything high.....

    i study kyokushin.....

    with my two daughters ....

    and my 3 yr old studys shotokan...till hes old enuff for our class...

    what kind of workouts do yous do?

    i do tons of different drills.....getinmg to be in pretty good shape too....

    and as for fighting...welll......i love it !!!

    but im not a bully ...i dont start trubble with anyone...i realy dont like to have to fight if it is not under friendly sercumstances....

    but i love to knock out my friends when ever they are willing!!

    (kyokushin dose not do point fighting ...full contact only ....knockout style)
  9. Kyokushin is something I have heard of. It's supposed to be ace. I run and do a lot of bodyweight exercises.

    As to martial arts- did TKD for 10 years because it was the only thing near me. Found wing chun kung fu 2 years ago. Been doing it since... the way they teach it is not as a "soft" or internal style but is very much a simple fighting with minimum needed force but force fucking helps a lot style. That said I want to fight properly. So I'm starting Muay Thai and BJJ soon- Vale Tudo!!!

    I've only done some BJJ with the wing chun guys but FUCK do I LOVE it. Muay thai I did once or twice. Didn't like the mentality back then but now I'm starting to think... fuck it...
  10. [quote name='Switch']Kyokushin is something I have heard of. It's supposed to be ace. I run and do a lot of bodyweight exercises.

    As to martial arts- did TKD for 10 years because it was the only thing near me. Found wing chun kung fu 2 years ago. Been doing it since... the way they teach it is not as a "soft" or internal style but is very much a simple fighting with minimum needed force but force fucking helps a lot style. That said I want to fight properly. So I'm starting Muay Thai and BJJ soon- Vale Tudo!!!

    I've only done some BJJ with the wing chun guys but FUCK do I LOVE it. Muay thai I did once or twice. Didn't like the mentality back then but now I'm starting to think... fuck it...[/QUOTE

    if they dont teach you the internal part you are missing out on alot!

    the internal part of martial arts does unbeliveable things for your internal organs and realy increases your physical fortitude
  11. I don't do any martial arts myself, but I love the sport, and think that martial artist's are some of the greatest athletes on the planet. I started watching martial arts when I was real young, maybe around 9. My brother did Tang Soo Doo, and got pretty good at it. Worked his way up to a 2nd degree black belt. Now I am fully addicted to UFC and pride fighting

  12. Yeah I was thinking of taking up Quigong to see work with more of the internal aspect but I like the way we do wing chun... I dunno- I guess there is a kind of internal aspect to it but only as far as a Daoist "take the middle road" teaching allows. Heh.
  13. boys, i attended a boxing class in bethnal green, east london for 2 years, thats wot u need, not any of this kung fu bollocks!

    hehe but serious, yeh i do cardio 4 times a week and lift twice a week, i also have a set diet for my regime, its good to keep a balance between the smoking, and the going out/exercising.

    this is unrelated but dam funny, watch this while stoned, or not, its still funny.
  14. um...isn't it taekwondo? or tae-kwon-do?

  15. it all realy depends on what you are trying to get out of it ...and what the goals of your school are....

    some teachers are more into fighting some more into tredition....some more internal some more external ....

    i believe our school is well rounded....

    creating a better human as well as a fighting animal...

    there is a spiritual aspect to matial arts which is left behind alot in modern times where we dont like to take the time to find ourselves ...not that many of us have time ...between work and kids and training ...i have very little time

    but training realy relaxes me....
  16. [quote name='-E-']boys, i attended a boxing class in bethnal green, east london for 2 years, thats wot u need, not any of this kung fu bollocks!

    i here you ...some of what you see when you look at matial arts is kind of funny...and alot of the fancy shit you see ...realy is not very efective in a real fight but it is good exersize...and if you can create an opening to hit someone with a spin kick ....i feel sorry for them .. but most time sthe best way to win a fight is with the sipmlest of tecniques.....
  17. [quote name='-E-']boys, i attended a boxing class in bethnal green, east london for 2 years, thats wot u need, not any of this kung fu bollocks!

    i here you ...some of what you see when you look at matial arts is kind of funny...and alot of the fancy shit you see ...realy is not very efective in a real fight but it is good exersize...and if you can create an opening to hit someone with a spin kick ....i feel sorry for them .. but most time sthe best way to win a fight is with the sipmlest of tecniques.....
  18. [quote name='-E-']boys, i attended a boxing class in bethnal green, east london for 2 years, thats wot u need, not any of this kung fu bollocks!

    i here you ...some of what you see when you look at matial arts is kind of funny...and alot of the fancy shit you see ...realy is not very efective in a real fight but it is good exersize...and if you can create an opening to hit someone with a spin kick ....i feel sorry for them .. but most time sthe best way to win a fight is with the sipmlest of tecniques.....
  19. ok so its been awile...anybody into fighting arts?
  20. i got my black belt in Tang Soo Do at 18:wave:

    now i just lift everyday and run 2miles/day...

    i love exercise in general

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